英语单词 红联
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n.: 残端;树桩;树墩;残肢
v.: 〈非正式〉犯愁;困惑;把…难住;一筹莫展
网络: 残余部分;残株;使为难


  • 树墩;树桩:

    the bottom part of a tree left in the ground after the rest has fallen or been cut down

  • 残余部分;残根;残段:

    the end of sth or the part that is left after the main part has been cut, broken off or worn away

  • 残肢:

    the short part of sb"s leg or arm that is left after the rest has been cut off

  • (三柱门的)柱:

    one of the set of three vertical wooden sticks (calledthe stumps ) that form the wicket

  • (政治人物在选举前的)巡回演说:

    the fact of a politician before an election going to different places and trying to get people"s support by making speeches

  • 把…难住;难倒:

    to ask sb a question that is too difficult for them to answer or give them a problem that they cannot solve

  • (尤指愤怒或烦恼时)脚步重重地走:

    to walk in a noisy, heavy way, especially because you are angry or upset

  • (尤指在选举前)作巡回演说:

    to travel around making political speeches, especially before an election

  • (以球触三柱门)使(击球手)出局:

    to put a batsman out of the game by touching the stumps with the ball when he or she is out of the area in which the ball can be hit


  • 〈口〉踢到...; 绊倒

  • 〈口〉在某地作巡回政治演说,常用于美式英语

  • 掘去树桩

  • 砍成树桩; 砍伐

  • 用沉重的脚步行走,尤指愤怒时

  • 【板】用球击门柱使击球手出局

  • 〈非正式〉犯愁; 困惑; 把...难住; 一筹莫展; 使...不知所措

  • 〈非正式〉巡回演讲,政治家在选举前的巡回演讲,用来争取选民的支持;常用于美式英语

  • 笨重的脚步声

  • 假腿; 假肢

  • 【艺】擦笔,用纸等卷成圆锥形有尖头的笔,用来擦去或柔化线条

  • 【板】(板球三柱门的)门柱

  • 残肢; 残端; 烟蒂; 牙根,指残余的部分

  • 树墩; 树桩


  • 复数:stumps

  • 现在分词:stumping

  • 过去式:stumped






  • The old man was sitting on a stump behind the stove, crouching over as if he were trying to hide from us.


  • He used to wish and wish he were tall enough to thump back, but he could not reach the top of Blueberry"s head without standing on a stump.


  • Take the case of Peter Stump for example, up to now, there was no evidence to show that he had anyone of such diseases.


  • so she laid herself down on the soft moss, offered up her evening prayer, and leaned her head against the stump of a tree.


  • I"m wearing blue jeans and a bright red sweater, and I"m perched on the stump of a redwood tree, surrounded by a forest of the same.


  • A fox"s tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.


  • And there she was with her bandaged stump of a left foot still wrapped in the fresh bandages with dry blood red at the end.


  • I was about to leave when the thought struck me that I should stay and cross-examine Meher Baba - stump Him with direct questions.


  • Just before starting the driver picked up in the street a stump of a cigar an inch long, and put it in his mouth.


  • On his way, he met an old blind woodcutter sitting on a tree stump.


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