英语单词 红联
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n.: 东西;原料;物品;基本特征
v.: 填满;装满;塞满;灌满
adj.: 毛织品做的
网络: 材料;填塞;事情


  • (事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时用)东西,物品,玩意儿:

    used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about

  • (泛指)活儿,话,念头,东西:

    used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say, think, etc.

  • 基本特征;特质;根本;基础;原料:

    the most important feature of sth; something that sth else is based on or is made from

  • 施展自己的本事;露一手:

    to do what you are good at or what you have been trained to do

  • 一点不在乎:

    to not care at all about sth

  • 废话;胡说八道:

    used to describe sth that is stupid or not true

  • 填满;装满;塞满;灌满:

    to fill a space or container tightly with sth

  • 把…塞进(或填进):

    to push sth quickly and carelessly into a small space

  • 在(蔬菜、鸡等)里填入(另外一种食物);给…装馅:

    to fill a vegetable, chicken, etc. with another type of food

  • (使)吃撑,吃足,吃得过饱:

    to eat a lot of food or too much food; to give sb a lot or too much to eat

  • 制作(动物)标本:

    to fill the dead body of an animal with material and preserve it, so that it keeps its original shape and appearance

  • 滚开;不稀罕:

    used to tell sb in a rude and angry way to go away, or that you do not want sth

  • (表示改变了主意或不在乎)管它呢,去它的:

    used to show that you have changed your mind about sth or do not care about sth

  • (粗暴或气愤地拒绝)还是收起你的宝贝吧:

    used to tell sb in a rude and angry way that you do not want sth


  • 毛织品做的,呢绒做的

  • 暴食;过食:

  • 〔美国〕把(篮球)扣入篮内,盖帽式投(球)

  • 〔俚语〕诓骗

  • 〔美国〕(在票箱中)投入大量假选票

  • 剥制

  • 狼吞虎咽,吃饱

  • 烹煮前加味的或剁碎的食物填入(禽等):

  • 塞,放,掖,装进;打点

  • 填塞(鸟,兽等)的躯体以做出标本:

  • 填充,塞满;塞入填料;装满;塞住

  • 所有物,家具;【航海】(焦油,松节油等构成,木船防腐用的)混合涂料

  • 枪弹,炮弹

  • 〔美空军口〕云;天气

  • 织物;〔特指〕毛织品,呢绒

  • 要素;本质,品质

  • 〔美俚〕毒品,麻醉剂;走私货物,走私威士忌酒,赃物

  • 废物,屑;拙劣的作品;梦话;废话

  • 〔俚语〕钱,现金;〔美俚〕真材实质,优良特征

  • 材料,原料,资料;〔美剧〕脚本,台词

  • 物质;要素;资料;东西;事情


  • 第三人称单数:stuffs

  • 现在分词:stuffing

  • 过去分词:stuffed


v.fillpackramcramjamn.thingsparaphernaliabits and piecesjunkarticles


  • Earlier in the day, Gibbs" deputy, Bill Burton, had been confident that there would not "be a lot of Supreme Court stuff today. "


  • And so, gradually over these three days, you start off kind of trying to figure out, why am I listening to all this irrelevant stuff?


  • All of that stuff that pops up and distracts you needs to go down on paper (or into your text editor).


  • I consider Vietnamese pho, Middle Eastern shawarmas and all that stuff to be fast food as well.


  • If I get a job this summer I"ll be able to save some of that green stuff for my tuition.


  • MILK JUG: Either cut part of the top off or cut a circle into the side of a plastic jug and stuff your plastic grocery bags inside.


  • Think about how much storage space the couple has. If they live in a studio apartment, they probably don"t want a lot of big stuff.


  • I tried to work hard and do all the right stuff but it just didn"t seem to go for me.


  • He splits that source and he puts all this stuff about Peter there because he wants Peter to be the first and only then the others.


  • There was one bad guy. He took one person"s stuff: a toy dog, a horse and a pet.


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