英语单词 红联
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v.: 伸展;延伸;伸出;舒展
n.: 伸展;弹性;舒展;一片
adj.: 有弹力的
网络: 拉伸;伸长;拉长


  • 拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松:

    to make sth longer, wider or looser, for example by pulling it; to become longer, etc. in this way

  • 有弹性(或弹力):

    to become bigger or longer when you pull it and return to its original shape when you stop

  • 拉紧;拉直;绷紧:

    to pull sth so that it is smooth and tight

  • 伸展;舒展:

    to put your arms or legs out straight and contract your muscles

  • 伸出,伸长(胳膊、腿):

    to put out an arm or a leg in order to reach sth

  • 延伸;绵延:

    to spread over an area of land

  • 延续:

    to continue over a period of time

  • 足够买(或支付):

    to be enough to buy or pay for sth

  • (大量地)使用,消耗:

    to make use of a lot of your money, supplies, time, etc.

  • 使竭尽所能;使全力以赴;使发挥出全部本领:

    to make use of all sb"s skill, intelligence, etc.

  • 滥用;随意歪曲:

    to use sth in a way that would not normally be considered fair, acceptable, etc.

  • (久坐之后)散散步,活动活动腿脚:

    to go for a short walk after sitting for some time

  • 破例;通融:

    to allow or do sth that is not usually acceptable, especially because of a particular situation

  • 一片;一泓;一段:

    an area of land or water, especially a long one

  • (连续的)一段时间:

    a continuous period of time

  • 服刑期:

    a period of time that sb spends in prison

  • 伸展;舒展:

    an act of stretching out your arms or legs or your body and contracting the muscles; the state of being stretched

  • 弹性;伸缩性:

    the ability to be made longer or wider without breaking or tearing

  • (终点)直道:

    a straight part at the end of a racing track

  • 竭尽全力;以最大财力物力:

    using as much energy as possible, or the greatest possible amount of supplies

  • 任凭怎么想也不;再怎么说也不:

    used to say strongly that sth is not true, even if you try to imagine or believe it


  • 弹性的,有弹力的

  • 【航海】张帆航行;前进;努力

  • 〔俚语〕被吊死;绞死

  • 〔俚语〕吊死;绞死;为…作装殓[埋葬]准备

  • 〔俚语〕把…打倒在地

  • 做吃饭时的侍应员

  • 夸大地讲,吹牛

  • 勉强解释,曲解;充分利用;乱用,滥用(法律等);夸大(地讲)

  • 使(精神,肌肉等)紧张,倾注全力;睁大(两眼等)

  • 伸展,伸长,扩张;(时间)继续,拖长,延长到;伸手(脚),伸懒腰;能伸长扩张

  • 伸展,伸出;展开,铺开,扩张;张,绷,拉直;拉长,拉扯

  • 持续的一段时间,一段路程,一口气;【航海】一气航行的距离

  • 滥用;越权

  • 聊度时光;打(短)工

  • 〔俚语〕徒刑,(尤指)一年徒刑

  • 夸张,夸张话

  • (赛马场两边的)直线跑道,最后阶段

  • 伸,伸开,伸出,伸长,延亘,连绵

  • 紧张;过度伸张,延伸

  • 拉长;伸缩性;连绵


  • 复数:stretches

  • 现在分词:stretching

  • 过去式:stretched


  • v.+n.:

    stretch point,stretch truth,stretch arm


v.extendelongatespread outunfoldspreadn.bouncespringsectionexpansebit




  • This was probably a bit of a stretch for Java programmers who are unfamiliar with XSLT.


  • So, this latest crisis is just going to make it more difficult and stretch our resources further than we would like to see.


  • If I were to tell you she"d made me very happy, would that stretch belief?


  • When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista.


  • That"s what learning is all about. You can"t understand the world, or even a small part of it, if you don"t stretch your mind.


  • Somehow I"ve been able to play a little bit better than I thought for a stretch and then it finally caught up with me last week.


  • You don"t want to go out in such rotten weather. It"s better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises.


  • He lay back at full stretch over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pocket, his hat tilted down on his eyes.


  • It is not too much of a stretch to relate the deflated build-up to the World Cup in England this time to the wider, sombre atmosphere.


  • Zheng Zha ha ha smiled to stretch out a hand, black dress bushy beard Leng for a while, also the cachinnation wrote to fist his hand.


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