英语单词 红联
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n.: 声音;发音;音响;各种声音;响;声音;发音;闹声;声音;音响;声响;响声
v.: 响;发音;鸣响;用声音传播;发音;响;宣告;鸣响;响;听起来…的;鸣警报;拉响警报
adj.: 明智的;合理的;正确的;可靠的;正确的;正当的;合理的;合逻辑的;正确的;正当的;见解正确的;合逻辑的
adv.: 酣(睡);(睡得)沉;充分地;充分地
linkv.: 听起来好像;让人听着好像
网络: 儿子离家时;音响器;探测器


  • 声音;响声:

    something that you can hear

  • 声;声响:

    continuous rapid movements (called vibrations ) that travel through air or water and can be heard when they reach a person"s or an animal"s ear

  • 声音;音响:

    what you can hear coming from a television, radio, etc., or as part of a film/movie

  • 嗓音;音乐风格:

    the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians

  • 印象;感觉:

    the idea or impression that you get of sb/sth from what sb says or what you read

  • 海峡;海湾:

    a narrow passage of water that joins two larger areas of water

  • 爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完:

    to like talking a lot or too much, usually without wanting to listen to other people

  • 在听得见…的范围内:

    near enough to be able to hear sth

  • 听起来好像;让人听着好像:

    to give a particular impression when heard or read about

  • 听起来…的:

    giving the impression of having a particular sound

  • (使)发出声音,响:

    to produce a sound; to make sth such as a musical instrument produce a sound

  • 鸣警报;拉响警报;发出警报:

    to give a signal such as a warning by making a sound

  • 发(音):

    to pronounce sth

  • 测(海或湖的)深度:

    to measure the depth of the sea or a lake by using a line with a weight attached, or an electronic instrument

  • (这)听起来真是不错:

    used to agree to a suggestion that you think is good

  • 明智的;合理的;正确的;可靠的:

    sensible; that you can rely on and that will probably give good results

  • 透彻的;完备的;全面的:

    good and thorough

  • 完好的;健康的;无损伤的;未受伤的:

    in good condition; not damaged, hurt, etc.

  • 酣畅的;香甜的:

    deep and peaceful

  • 不错的;实实在在的:

    good and accurate, but not excellent

  • 严厉的;重的:


  • 状况极佳;十分健康:

    in perfect condition

  • 酣(睡);(睡得)沉:

    very deeply asleep


  • 发声物[者];【电学】发声器,(发)声(收)码器

  • 测探员;测深器;【外】探针

  • 发出声音的人

  • 探尺

  • 音响发声器

  • 探测器

  • 探鱼仪

  • 声信号仪器

  • 测深员

  • 测深仪


  • But he said these efforts must be just the beginning of a sustained often difficult drive to put the economy on a sounder footing.


  • Rousseau would have made a sounder contribution towards a theory of the state, if he had always kept this distinction in sight.


  • This product specification is applied to the piezoelectric buzzer used for sounder in alarm systems.


  • Are we about to put federal government on a sounder fiscal footing, leaving a smaller debt to future generations?


  • Mr Obama is adjusting the Bush administration"s policies here and there and seeks to put them on a sounder legal footing.


  • A sounder indicator that the coalition might be unwise to forsake this agenda is its opponents" mimicry.


  • Finally, none of this deals with the obvious problem of transition from what we have to a sounder system.


  • The plan is to rebrand it, refocus it on sounder mortgages and use it to roll up other troubled banks as they become available.


  • What hopefully can happen is that testers will recognize what is going on and attempt to redirect their energies in a sounder direction.


  • The main task of the thesis is to design signal processing system of Dual Frequency Echo Sounder(DFES), including hardware and software.


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