英语单词 红联
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n.: 规则;统治;控制;管理
v.: 统治;控制;支配;裁定
网络: 规定;法则;基于规则(rule-based)


  • 规则;规章;条例:

    a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game

  • 建议;应做之事:

    a statement of what you are advised to do in a particular situation

  • 习惯;常规;惯常的做法:

    a habit; the normal state of things; what is true in most cases

  • 定律;规则:

    a statement of what is possible according to a particular system, for example the grammar of a language

  • 统治;管理;支配;控制:

    the government of a country or control of a group of people by a particular person, group or system

  • 尺;直尺:

    a measuring instrument with a straight edge

  • 根据具体情况改变规则;通融:

    to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation

  • 按某人定的规矩行事:

    if sbplays by their own rules or makes other peopleplay by their rules , they set the conditions for doing business or having a relationship

  • 按规则玩游戏;处事公正诚实;循规蹈矩:

    to deal fairly and honestly with people

  • 游戏规则;大家共同遵守的行为标准:

    the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business

  • 法治:

    the condition in which all members of society, including its rulers, accept the authority of the law

  • 实用的估算方法,经验工作法(常依据经验而非准确测量):

    a practical method of doing or measuring sth, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurement

  • 按章工作;变相罢工:

    to follow the rules of your job in a very strict way in order to cause delay, as a form of protest against your employer or your working conditions

  • 控制;统治;支配:

    to control and have authority over a country, a group of people, etc.

  • 支配;控制;操纵:

    to be the main thing that influences and controls sb/sth

  • 决定;裁定;判决:

    to give an official decision about sth

  • 用直尺等画(线);画(直线):

    to draw a straight line using sth that has a firm straight edge

  • 当头头;充当首领;主宰:

    to be the most powerful member of a group

  • 残酷统治;严厉控制:

    to control a person or a group of people very severely


  • 控制,统治,支配裁决,决定;【商业】(价格)稳定,经常

  • 直线

  • (用尺在纸上)划线:

  • 判断,有裁决权

  • 渗透;主宰;支配

  • 治理;管教

  • 统治;管理;裁判:

  • 统治,掌政,管理,管辖

  • 统治,控制,支配;管理;规定;判定;(用尺)画线

  • 【英史】(允许囚犯交付保证金后迁往居住的)狱旁特区

  • 【数学】解法

  • 尺,画线板;【印刷】线,线条

  • 统治,支配;【法律】命令;(对某一案的)裁决,裁定

  • 清规戒律;金科玉律

  • 定则,标准,规矩

  • 章程,章法,规章制度

  • 常规,惯例;规律

  • 规则,准则,条例

  • 规则,规定;法则,定律;章程,规章;标准;(教会等的)教规,条例,教条;常例,惯例


  • 复数:rules

  • 现在分词:ruling

  • 过去式:ruled


  • adj.+n.:

    general rule,british rule,same rule,chinese rule,foreign rule

  • v.+n.:

    follow rule,break rule,rule country,establish rule,rule nation


v.governreignrunadministratehave power overn.instructionlawregulationdecreestatute




  • This is all the rule you need to know when trying to figure out what shoes to wear.


  • You cannot label one sovereign wealth fund and then sort of rule it out completely.


  • But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o"clock every evening to say goodnight to them.


  • make it a rule to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth.


  • "Development" was a favorite catchword in the early years of his rule.


  • To drop a rule, first unbind it if the rule is currently bound to a column or to an alias data type.


  • If I had my life to live over again, I would make it a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.


  • Higher costs seem to be more accepted for cancer treatment than for other illnesses, but there"s no rule on how much is too much, he said.


  • A popular rule of thumb in the 1990s was that countries should be able to cover a year"s worth of debt obligations.


  • There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly.


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