英语单词 红联
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n.: 价格;代价;荣耀;赌注与赢款之间的差额
v.: 定价;标上价目;(购买前)比较价格
网络: 价钱;报价;单价


  • 价格;价钱;物价:

    the amount of money that you have to pay for sth

  • 代价:

    the unpleasant things that you must do or experience in order to achieve sth or as a result of achieving sth

  • 投注赔率:

    the numbers that tell you how much money you will receive if the horse that you bet on wins the race

  • 不惜任何代价;无论如何:

    whatever the cost or the difficulties may be

  • 以高价;花大钱:

    costing a lot of money

  • 付代价:

    involving sth unpleasant

  • 无价的;极宝贵的;极重要的:

    extremely valuable or important

  • 重赏之下,必有勇夫;人皆有价;有钱能使鬼推磨:

    you can persuade anyone to do sth by giving them more money or sth that they want

  • 无论如何也不;给多少钱也不:

    used to say that no amount of money would persuade you to do or to sell sth

  • 缉拿(或杀害)某人的悬赏金:

    an amount of money that is offered for capturing or killing sb

  • (为贵重物)定价,作价:

    to say how much money sth valuable is worth

  • (认为得不偿失)…不值得,…有什么用?:

    used to say that you think that sth you have achieved may not be worth all the problems and difficulties it causes

  • (认为可能性不大)…可能吗,…不可能吧:

    used to say that sth seems unlikely

  • 给…定价;为…作价:

    to fix the price of sth at a particular level

  • (在商品上)标价,贴价格标签:

    to write or stick tickets on goods to show how much they cost

  • 比较…的价格:

    to compare the prices of different types of the same thing

  • 因索价过高而无人问津:

    to charge such a high price for your goods, services, etc. that nobody wants to buy them


  • (购买前)比较价格

  • 标上价目

  • 定价

  • 【名】普莱斯,男子名

  • 赏金

  • 赌博赔率,赌注与赢款之间的差额

  • 〈罕〉称赞;荣耀

  • 代价

  • 价格,价钱,价值


  • 复数:prices

  • 过去式:priced

  • 现在分词:pricing


  • adj.+n.:

    high price,average price,reasonable price,good price,same price

  • v.+n.:

    pay price,lower price,reduce price,get price,set price


v.assessestimaterateevaluateappraisen.costworthfeeface valueamount


  • Cause: When trying to explain foot and ankle injuries, Price starts at the top of the body.


  • The death of an ambassador would not be seen as the occasional price of a noble but risky profession; someone had to be blamed.


  • The bank has a "buy" rating on Uni-President with a target price of HK $4. 88 over the next year.


  • Now its price is only over 5, you can buy as many as you can. Then you needn"t come to the securities firm until when I tell you to sell it.


  • Many women don"t pay attention to the price of proper clothes. Although these clothes can take a real bite out of the bank account.


  • Even though the interest receipt is fixed, the price of the paper may go down as well as up in line inversely with interest rate movements.


  • "A price cut would be in line with past cycles, " said Paul Jackson, an analyst at Forrester Research in London.


  • As a so- called " wasting asset " , it has tax advantages , and there is always the consolation of drinking the asset if the price falls .


  • Advance data on pork and other agricultural products shows price rises beginning to slow down in October.


  • She said there was "tremendous uncertainty" over whether the price spike was temporary or part of a longer-term trend.


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