英语单词 红联
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n.: 权力;力量;动力;能力
v.: 推动(机器或车辆);快速前进
网络: 功率;电源;电源开关


  • 控制力;影响力;操纵力:

    the ability to control people or things

  • 统治;政权:

    political control of a country or an area

  • 能力;机会:

    the ability or opportunity to do sth

  • (身体、心智的)某种能力:

    a particular ability of the body or mind

  • (全部)体力,智力:

    all the abilities of a person"s body or mind

  • 权力;职权;权势:

    the right or authority of a person or group to do sth

  • 有影响力的大国;军事强国:

    a country with a lot of influence in world affairs, or with great military strength

  • 某方面的力量(或影响);实力:

    strength or influence in a particular area of activity

  • (某事物或社会集团的)影响力,势力:

    the influence of a particular thing or group within society

  • 力;力量;能量:

    the strength or energy contained in sth

  • (身体的)力量;体力:

    physical strength used in action; physical strength that sb possesses and might use

  • 能;能量;动力:

    energy that can be collected and used to operate a machine, to make electricity, etc.

  • 电力供应:

    the public supply of electricity

  • 乘方;幂:

    the number of times that an amount is to be multiplied by itself

  • 放大倍数;放大率:

    the amount by which a lens can make objects appear larger

  • 正义(或邪恶)力量:

    a good or evil spirit that controls the lives of others

  • 对身心大为有益:

    to be very good for sb"s physical or mental health

  • (表示支持或鼓励)再加把劲,加油,祝…成功:

    used to express support or encouragement for sb to do sth

  • 太上皇;幕后操纵者:

    the person who really controls an organization, a country, etc. in contrast to the person who is legally in charge

  • 当权派;权力集团:

    the people who control an organization, a country, etc.

  • 驱动,推动(机器或车辆):

    to supply a machine or vehicle with the energy that makes it work

  • (使)迅猛移动,快速前进:

    to move or move sth very quickly and with great power in a particular direction


  • 拖动

  • 使有力量

  • 提供动力

  • 〔美国〕给…装发动机,赋与…以动力;用动力发动

  • 【数学】幂,乘方

  • 【法律】委任权,委任状

  • 【机械工程】动力,机力;简单的机械;电力;电(能)源;功率;率;能量;生产率

  • 神,恶魔

  • 〔口、方〕许多,大量

  • (透镜的)放大力

  • 有力人物,有势力者;有影响的机构

  • 兵力;军事力量;大国,强国

  • 力,力量;能力;体力,精力;(生理)机能;才能

  • 势力,权力,权限;威力;政权;权能


  • 复数:powers

  • 过去分词:powered

  • 现在分词:powering


  • adj.+n.:

    great power,electrical power,solar power,real power,absolute power

  • v.+n.:

    use power,give power,increase power,take power,exercise power


n.abilitystrengthcontrolrightprerogativev.driverunset in motionfuelfire




  • Sexual harassment is often a display of power aimed at intimidating and degrading the harassed person.


  • Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have.


  • The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks.


  • In such a situation, it would be easy for the mine to exploit the power station by suddenly jacking up the price of coal.


  • Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company.


  • Yet Markus Willeke has found a way of investing watercolour painting with a new task, up-to-date relevance and astounding power.


  • All sports coaches believe passionately in the power of the team to lift performance not by just a little, but by 100%.


  • However, the Java language"s power is often most evident when you use a little creativity in your API and programming choices.


  • With 1. 3 billion people like this, able to grind out the toughest and most grim situations, no wonder they will be the next super power.


  • Power said it was unclear whether the commission could end the duties on its own, or if EU governments would be able to weigh in.


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