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perfect storm

perfect storm什么意思,perfect storm翻译


n.: 祸不单行;屋漏偏逢连夜雨
网络: 完美暴风雨


  • 祸不单行;屋漏偏逢连夜雨:

    an occasion when several bad things happen at the same time, creating a situation that could not be worse


  • The perfect storm of social media, smart phones and location awareness is only beginning to take full effect.


  • Having seen the perfect storm a few days ago, a clear decision can be in order to distinguish whether you were a boy or a man.


  • If, however, it turns out to be a perfect storm that brought down the Air France flight, I"ll be curious to see how the industry reacts.


  • There was something of a perfect storm in which policy mistakes combined with Wall Street"s excesses.


  • "We saw in NFC a perfect storm of disruption, which is always a good sign and a good place for a startup company to be, " he says.


  • "This crisis looks like a perfect storm. It comes every time unexpectedly just as winter comes unexpectedly to Russia every year. "


  • A perfect storm and lightning photograph is one which shows the incredible lighting, enormous shadows and a massive scale of energy.


  • a megastar and a little luck, By combined all these together the company did arouse a perfect storm.


  • "You"ve got a perfect storm with no apparent solution, " he said.


  • "Our planet is approaching a perfect storm of population growth, climate change and peak oil, " he said.


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