英语单词 红联
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n.: 注意;通知;通告;布告
v.: 注意;留意;意识到;注意到
网络: 公告;注意事项;通知公告


  • 注意;理会;察觉:

    the fact of sb paying attention to sb/sth or knowing about sth

  • 通告;布告;通知:

    a sheet of paper giving written or printed information, usually put in a public place

  • 公告牌;警示牌:

    a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning

  • 启事;声明:

    a small advertisement or announcement in a newspaper or magazine

  • 通知:

    a short announcement made at the beginning or end of a meeting, a church service, etc.

  • 预告;警告:

    information or a warning given in advance of sth that is going to happen

  • 辞职信;搬迁通知:

    a formal letter or statement saying that you will or must leave your job or house at the end of a particular period of time

  • (报刊上对书籍、戏剧等的)评论,短评:

    a short article in a newspaper or magazine, giving an opinion about a book, play, etc.

  • 随时;一经通知立即;没有准备时间:

    not long in advance; without warning or time for preparation

  • 看(或听)到;注意到;意识到:

    to see or hear sb/sth; to become aware of sb/sth

  • 注意;留意:

    to pay attention to sb/sth


  • 简介

  • 照拂

  • 客气;有礼的招呼

  • (报刊等上对戏剧,图书等的)介绍,评介,批评,短评

  • 公告,告示,布告,招贴

  • (辞退,解雇等的)预先通知

  • 情报,消息;通知,预告,警告;(正式)通告;呈报

  • 通告,告示,通知

  • 注意;认识

  • 注意,注视,注目,关注

  • 计较

  • 青睐

  • 优待(儿童等);客气对待;有礼地招呼

  • 留心,看出来,有目共睹

  • 一眼瞥见;眼光落到

  • 表示与(某人)认识

  • 提及,说到;(在报刊等上)介绍,评介(新书)

  • 看到,发现,觉察,觉察到了

  • 通知…

  • 注意到,看到;留心,注意


  • 第三人称单数:notices

  • 现在分词:noticing

  • 过去式:noticed


  • v.+n.:

    issue notice,notice difference,notice sign,attract notice,pretend notice


v.become aware ofseetake inobserveperceiven.signposterannouncementadvertisementbill


  • "To undress one of these women is like an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. "


  • Take notice of every warning sign. Striding over the hazardous area is not allowed.


  • You can withdraw money from a deposit account by giving notice to the bank. This notice is usually seven days.


  • But you don"t have to be an expert to notice that things are not working all that well on the planet.


  • It is required by law that a husband have to pay the debts of his wife until formal notice is given that he no longer has to pay them.


  • Notice that this stored procedure does not change the sequence number of an account already associated with the specified profile.


  • Think of a time when you were anxious or afraid of a future event, and notice what happened when that event happened and you experienced it.


  • When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the calcium wall. This made it possible for me to notice the lump.


  • And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him.


  • for general civilities soon called his notice from her, and the farewell visit, as it then became openly acknowledged, was a very short one.


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