memory lane
memory lane什么意思,memory lane翻译
网络: 感怀往事;往事感怀;记忆的小路
time that you spend thinking about and remembering the past or going to a place again in order to remind yourself of past experiences
Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child?
"Let"s do it right this time, " I said. "Let"s fly to Nice and stay where we couldn"t afford to before. Let"s ramble down Memory Lane. "
So we asked nine entrepreneurs to take a trip down memory lane to help you steer clear of startup blunders.
And a good trip down the memory lane for those of us who have not done it in a long time!
The Queen took a trip down memory lane yesterday during an informal visit to the Angus village of Glamis where she spent her childhood.
Spend some time strolling down memory lane by digging out old photos. You"ll be guaranteed to crack a smile.
You can try on those clothes you forgot you had or walk down memory lane with those special keepsakes in that box in the back.
Let"s take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the finest classic automobiles of all time!
When I was young, I always stepped through these green stone roads, leaving behind an unlimited memory lane.
It isn"t to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me.