英语单词 红联
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pref.: 手工的”


  • 成年男子;男人:

    an adult male human

  • 人类;(特定历史时期的)人:

    humans as a group or from a particular period of history

  • (不论性别的)人:

    a person, either male or female

  • (来自某地、从事某种工作或有某种兴趣等的)人:

    a man who comes from the place mentioned or whose job or interest is connected with the thing mentioned

  • (喜欢或做某事的)人:

    a man who likes or who does the thing mentioned

  • (来自某处、支持某组织或为其工作的)人:

    a man who works for or supports a particular organization, comes from a particular town, etc.

  • 士兵;(男性)工人:

    a soldier or a male worker who obeys the instructions of a person of higher rank

  • 上门服务的人:

    a man who comes to your house to do a job

  • 伙计;哥儿们:

    used for addressing a male person

  • (不耐烦或生气时对男人的称呼)你这家伙:

    used for addressing a male person in an angry or impatient way

  • 丈夫;性伴侣:

    a husband or sexual partner

  • 勇敢强壮的人;男子汉:

    a person who is strong and brave or has other qualities that some people think are particularly male

  • 男仆:

    a male servant

  • 棋子:

    one of the figures or objects that you play with in a game such as chess

  • 同心协力;协调一致:

    with everyone doing or thinking the same thing at the same time; in agreement

  • 最合适的人;最佳人选:

    to be the best or most suitable person to do a particular job, etc.

  • 有足够的勇气或意志:

    to be strong or brave enough

  • 人各为己;自己顾自己:

    people must take care of themselves and not give or expect any help

  • 使成为男子汉;使长大成人:

    to make a young man develop and become more adult

  • 喜欢社交者;社交界名人:

    a man who frequently goes to fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc.

  • 从小到大;一辈子:

    from when sb was young to when they were old or older

  • 平民;老百姓:

    an average or ordinary person, either male or female

  • 神职人员;(尤指)牧师,司铎:

    a religious man, especially a priest or a clergyman

  • (某场比赛的)最佳运动员:

    the member of a team who plays the best in a particular game

  • 体恤民情者;体察民意者:

    a man who understands and is sympathetic to ordinary people

  • 人类的好朋友(指狗):

    a way of describing a dog

  • 人之住宅即其城堡;人在家中,自成一统:

    a person"s home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they like

  • 更受男人欢迎的男人:

    a man who is more popular with men than with women

  • 独立自主:

    to act or think independently, not following others or being ordered

  • (男人间)诚实相待,坦率:

    between two men who are treating each other honestly and equally

  • 兴趣爱好因人而异;一人手中宝,他人脚下草:

    used to say that different people like different things; what one person likes very much, another person does not like at all

  • 表明╱证明谁有技能(或更勇敢等):

    to show or prove who is brave, skilful, etc. and who is not

  • 一致;毫无例外:

    used to emphasize that sth is true of all the people being described

  • 有志者事竟成;决心大的人终有出头之日:

    a person who is determined or wants sth very much will succeed

  • 在…岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员):

    to work at a place or be in charge of a place or a machine; to supply people to work somewhere

  • (表示惊奇、气愤等)嘿,天哪:

    used to express surprise, anger, etc.


  • 表示“手的,手工的”


  • Once upon a time there was an old man named John Hill.


  • you are the love of my life. I prefer to sacrifice everything for you. But you hand me to anther man on a plate.


  • He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.


  • It is eminently important that man is able to access his inner vision through his mind which rests within what you may understand as soul.


  • Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him.


  • The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents.


  • The deceased, John Smith, was an estimable man in the community. He was a famous professor of ethics at the local university.


  • Using plot and character development, a writer expressed his or her philosophy about how much control a man really had over his own destiny.


  • The man stopped and smiled. "At last, we agree on something, " he said, before he walked through the door.


  • I saw it. A man with silver hair. He was here a second ago.


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