look the other way
look the other way什么意思,look the other way翻译
网络: 故意朝另一边看;视而不见;假装没看见
But only long enough for her to look the other way, so I can once again catch a glimpse of magnificence.
Some try to look the other way , while you are standing there trying to control your emotions, but just can"t.
Even today, wives are much more likely to look the other way if the husband has a happy ending at a massage than if he takes on a mistress.
"When these things do happen we sort of smile and look the other way , " said Daniel Wegner, a psychologist at Harvard University.
In India even the police look the other way when it comes to helping the accident victims or any other citizens in trouble.
On the first of April, it may be a good idea to look the other way if you see a purse lying on the sidewalk.
My wife does sometimes have to look the other way when we try something new, but we have no serious injuries to report so far.
Historically, local officials have been willing to look the other way when companies violated environmental, labour or safety regulations.
If you saw something you weren"t supposed to see. . . you learned to look the other way.
Meanwhile, by his inaction, he sends a signal to these dictators that he will look the other way as they enslave their own people.