英语单词 红联
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n.: 土地;陆地;大地;地产
v.: 降落;着陆;登陆;靠岸
网络: 国家


  • 陆地;大地:

    the surface of the earth that is not sea

  • (尤指某类型或作某种用途的)地带,土地:

    an area of ground, especially of a particular type or used for a particular purpose

  • 地产;地皮:

    the area of ground that sb owns, especially when you think of it as property that can be bought or sold

  • (与城市相对的)农村,农村生活方式:

    used to refer to the countryside and the way people live in the country as opposed to in cities

  • (涉及感情或想象)国家,地区:

    used to refer to a country or region in a way which appeals to the emotions or the imagination

  • 醒着;活着;在人世;康复:

    awake or alive or no longer ill/sick

  • 富饶的乐土;丰裕之地:

    a place where life is pleasant and easy and people are very happy

  • 睡着;在梦乡:


  • 弄清情况;摸清形势:

    to find out about a situation

  • 落;降落;着陆:

    to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface

  • 使(飞机)平稳着陆:

    to bring a plane down to the ground in a controlled way

  • (乘飞机或船)着陆,登陆:

    to arrive somewhere in a plane or a boat

  • (使)着陆,降落,靠岸,登陆:

    to put sb/sth on land from an aircraft, a boat, etc.

  • 跳落,跌落,被抛落(地面):

    to come down to the ground after jumping, falling or being thrown

  • 降临;使陷于(困境);使不得不应付:

    to arrive somewhere and cause difficulties that have to be dealt with

  • 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作):

    to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want

  • 捕到,钓到(鱼):

    to catch a fish and bring it out of the water on to the land

  • 打中;击中:

    to succeed in hitting sb/sth


  • 【无线电】接地

  • 使处于

  • 使到达,把…送到

  • 陷入

  • 〔口语〕捞到,获得

  • (罪犯等)落网

  • 自船[飞机]上卸下;将(捕到的鱼等)拉上岸[船]

  • 使上陆,使登岸;使(飞机)着陆,使降陆

  • 上岸,登陆;(飞机)着陆

  • 平台

  • 〔美口〕老天爷!

  • (枪炮的)阳堂线

  • 采掘段

  • 台阶

  • (刀刃的)厚度,刃棱面;(纹间)表面

  • 国土,国,国家;领土;地方;(…的)世界;地带,境界

  • 陆地,地面

  • 地,土地;田地;地皮

  • 土地,田地;农田;所有地,地产


  • 复数:lands

  • 现在分词:landing

  • 过去分词:landed


  • adj.+n.:

    agricultural land,arable land,barren land,fertile land,waste land

  • v.+n.:

    land plane,work land,cultivate land,clear land,reclaim land


n.earthgroundterrainhomelandnationv.arrivealightset downcome downacquire


v.take offlose


  • In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.


  • In a sad faraway land there was an enormous mountain made of rough, black stone.


  • Taiwan says the islands were ceded to it after the second world war by Japan, which used to occupy much of the land now known as Taiwan.


  • With every part of land you lease out to a foreign power, you lose out on your sovereignty too.


  • His men conspire against him, confine him a long time to his cabin, and set him on shore in an unknown land.


  • The pilot steps out with Maggio, saying, "We"re in the sticks. You know how many people must have heard a jet like this land? "


  • As a rich person might do now for tax purposes, the land for this priory was donated by one of the sheriffs of London Simon Fitz Mary.


  • There at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, the king had them executed. So Judah went into captivity, away from her land.


  • be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.


  • But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops.


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