keep an eye out for
keep an eye out for什么意思,keep an eye out for翻译
na.: 记住
网络: 注意;当心;警惕
"It"s kind of funny to think that I"ve got work hanging in a museum, but I still have to keep an eye out for the police, " says one artist.
Yes , but I would like to see what you take , Mrs Peters , and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us .
Get to know as many people as you can in other areas of the company where you might want to work, and keep an eye out for job openings.
Gordon: It might be. I want you to keep an eye out for anything unusual and report back to me.
I"ve just put my washing out to dry, would you please keep an eye out for rain and bring it in if necessary.
Doors, short ladders, sheets of galvanized metal, etc can all be used to improvise stretchers . Keep an eye out for suitable materials.
If you are looking for a man, go to your friends and family members and tell them to keep an eye out for a complementary companion for you.
As you go though your daily life, keep an eye out for the ways in which you can make a difference, however great or small .
Anyone can keep an eye out for birds, write down what he sees and discuss these findings with other people.
Compulsive lying is a disorder that develops from early adolescence and one must keep an eye out for signs of compulsive lying.