英语单词 红联
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n.: 头;头部;头脑;负责人
v.: 主管;领导;朝(某方向)行进;位于排行之首
adj.: 头的;主要的
网络: 海德;磁头;扬程


  • 头;头部:

    the part of the body on top of the neck containing the eyes, nose, mouth and brain

  • 头脑;脑筋:

    the mind or brain

  • (人或动物的)一头长,一头高:

    the size of a person"s or animal"s head , used as a measurement of distance or height

  • (持续的)头痛:

    a continuous pain in your head

  • 负责人;领导人:

    the person in charge of a group of people or an organization

  • 校长;院长:

    the person in charge of a school or college

  • 硬币正面(有人头像):

    the side of a coin that has a picture of the head of a person on it, used as one choice when a coin is tossed to decide sth

  • 较宽大的一端;头:

    the end of a long narrow object that is larger or wider than the rest of it

  • 顶端;上端:

    the top or highest part of sth

  • (河流)源头:

    the place where a river begins

  • 上座(桌子旁最重要的座位):

    the most important seat at a table

  • 领头位置;排头:

    the position at the front of a line of people

  • (茎梗顶端的)叶球,头状花序:

    the mass of leaves or flowers at the end of a stem

  • 啤酒泡沫;酒头:

    the mass of small bubbles on the top of a glass of beer

  • 脓头:

    the part of a spot on your skin that contains a thick yellowish liquid(= pus )

  • 磁头:

    the part of a tape recorder or video recorder that touches the tape and changes the electrical signals into sounds and/or pictures

  • (表示农场或牧群等的牲畜的数目)头:

    used to say how many animals of a particular type are on a farm, in a herd , etc.

  • 蒸汽压力:

    the pressure produced by steam in a confined space

  • 口交:

    oral sex(= using the mouth to give sb sexual pleasure)

  • (短语的)中心成分,中心词,主导词:

    the central part of a phrase, which has the same grammatical function as the whole phrase. In the phrase ‘the tall man in a suit’,man is the head.

  • 每人:

    for each person

  • 强行制止人们争吵并使之恢复理智:

    to force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way

  • 用头撞墙;徒劳无益;枉费心机:

    to keep trying to do sth that will never be successful

  • 比其他人(或事物)好得多;出类拔萃;鹤立鸡群:

    to be much better than other people or things

  • 气愤地对某人大喊大叫;(尤指毫无道理地)呵斥某人:

    to shout at sb in an angry way, especially without reason

  • (使)事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断:

    if youbring a situationto a head or if a situationcomes to a head , you are forced to deal with it quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad

  • 采取鸵鸟政策;不正视现实;回避问题:

    to refuse to admit that a problem exists or refuse to deal with it

  • 不理解某事;不明白某事:

    to be unable to understand sth

  • 使某人困惑(或烦恼、生气):

    to make you feel confused, upset and/or annoyed

  • 做某事不费吹灰之力:

    to be able to do sth very easily and without having to think too much

  • 从头到脚;遍布全身:

    covering your whole body

  • 睡觉:

    to sleep

  • 能够理解;接受得了:

    to be able to understand or accept sth

  • 让某人随心所欲:

    to allow sb to do what they want without trying to stop them

  • (与某人)面对面直接谈判:

    to deal with sb in a very direct and determined way

  • 上头;使醉:

    to make you feel drunk

  • 使人过于骄傲;冲昏头脑:

    to make you feel too proud of yourself in a way that other people find annoying

  • 头脑清醒;理智:

    to be a sensible person

  • 擅长某事:

    to be good at sth

  • 不惧(高);无恐(高)症:

    if sb does nothave a head for heights , they feel nervous and think they are going to fall when they look down from a high place

  • 心不在焉;走神:

    to be thinking about sth that is not connected with what you are doing

  • 有不切实际的想法(或计划等);想入非非:

    to have ideas, plans, etc. that are not realistic

  • 头脑清醒;理智:

    to be a sensible person

  • 头在前;头朝下:

    moving forwards or downwards with your head in front of the rest of your body

  • 未经深思;轻率;鲁莽:

    without thinking carefully about sth before acting

  • 深深爱着某人;迷恋:

    loving sb very much

  • (掷硬币作决定时说)正面还是反面:

    used to ask sb which side of a coin they think will be facing upwards when it is tossed in order to decide sth by chance

  • 有些人将(为某事)受到惩罚:

    used to say that some people will be punished because of sth that has happened

  • 昂首挺胸;抬起头来:

    to be proud of or not feel ashamed about sth that you have done

  • 卷入棘手的事:

    involved in sth that is too difficult for you to deal with

  • 避免引起注意;保持低姿态:

    to avoid attracting attention to yourself

  • (在困境中)保持冷静:

    to remain calm in a difficult situation

  • 勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存:

    to deal with a difficult situation, especially one in which you have financial problems, and just manage to survive

  • 大笑(或大叫等):

    to laugh, etc. a lot and very loudly

  • 慌乱;昏了头;失去理智:

    to become unable to act in a calm or sensible way

  • 你(自己)必须承担任何后果:

    used to tell sb that they will have to accept any unpleasant results of sth that they decide to do

  • 发疯:


  • (酒后或使用药物后)胡言乱语,行为乖张,神志不清:

    not knowing what you are saying or doing because of the effects of alcohol or drugs

  • 超过某人理解力;过于复杂:

    too difficult or complicated for sb to understand

  • 职位比某人高;超过某人:

    to a higher position of authority than sb

  • 集体思考(或讨论);集思广益:

    to think about or discuss sth as a group

  • 使人完全改变思路;使人从反面思考:

    to make people think about sth in a completely different way

  • 忽发奇想;心血来潮:

    to suddenly decide to do sth, especially sth that other people think is stupid

  • 忽发奇想;突然开始想某事:

    to suddenly start thinking sth, especially sth that other people think is stupid

  • 使某人得意忘形:

    to make a person feel too proud in a way that other people find annoying

  • 两人智慧胜一人:

    used to say that two people can achieve more than one person working alone

  • 朝(某方向)行进:

    to move in a particular direction

  • 领导;主管:

    to lead or be in charge of sth

  • 位于排行之首;排在前头:

    to be at the top of a list of names or at the front of a line of people

  • 在(页或篇章的)顶端加标题:

    to put a word or words at the top of a page or section of a book as a title

  • 用头顶(球):

    to hit a football with your head


  • 在前头

  • 主要的,首席的

  • 头的,头部的

  • (河流等)发源

  • 阻拦,妨碍;反抗

  • 前进,出发;驶往

  • (疮、疖等)出脓头

  • (果实、麦穗等)成头状物,结实,抽穗

  • 站在…的前头,率领;牵头,打破(记录等)

  • 把头对着;溯(源);〔美国〕使(车、船等)向着某处行驶

  • 砍伐(树等的)顶枝;收割(庄稼);切去(鱼)头

  • 用头顶(球)

  • 为(箭等)安头;使构成顶部;在…上加标题

  • 海角;岬

  • 首脑,首长,领导

  • 个人,人数;(牲畜的)匹数,头数

  • (河的)源头;(疮、疖等的)脓头

  • 条目,项目,头绪;要点;标题

  • (有头像的)硬币正面; (有头像的)邮票

  • (水站等的)蓄水高度,水位差,水头,落差,压力;势头

  • 前部,上部;顶端,尖突部;船长;(书页等的)天头;(桌位的)首席;弹头

  • 头脑,才能;智力,想像力,理解力

  • 头,头部,首


  • 复数:heads

  • 现在分词:heading

  • 过去式:headed


  • v.+n.:

    turn head,raise head,bury head,lift head,shake head

  • adj.+n.:

    titular head,shave head,head waiter,effective head,departmental head






  • The doctor lifted the girl"s left hand. "The old story, "he said sadly, shaking his head. "No wedding ring, I see. Ah! Good night. "


  • As he spoke these brave words, David reached into his bag and took out a stone. He loaded his sling, and began to whirl it round his head.


  • Trying to get a head start by pushing early academics can backfire, causing difficulties for years to come.


  • After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.


  • Her head felt as if it would burst.


  • Now, just as he had fought his way to the top, his hold had given way and he was pitching down head-long into darkness.


  • Then she saw it was the long flat head of a serpent, and the recollection of the prophecy rushed into her mind.


  • SHOUT makes him LIFT his head to see: a LITTLE BLONDE BOY crouching, back towards us, watching the tide eat a SANDCASTLE.


  • Facing Depression scene, night market operators who shook his head sighing, this should be a merry, laughter place ah!


  • Earlier it had been agreed that Andry Rajoelina, who led a coup overthrowing his rival, Marc Ravalomanana, would remain head of state.


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