英语单词 红联
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n.: 一半;(比赛、音乐会等的)半场;(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱
adv.: 半;半数;绝大部分(时间、乐趣、麻烦等);到一半程度
adj.: 一半的;一部分的;不完全的
网络: 半场(half-court);半个;二分之一


  • 一半;半:

    either of two equal parts into which sth is or can be divided

  • (比赛、音乐会等的)半场,半局:

    either of two periods of time into which a sports game, concert, etc. is divided

  • (啤酒等饮料的)半品脱:

    half a pint of beer or a similar drink

  • 更大(或好、重要等)的;非同寻常的;出色的:

    bigger, better, more important, etc. than usual

  • 做任何事情都完全彻底;善始善终;不半途而废:

    to do whatever you do completely and thoroughly

  • (和某人)平均分摊费用:

    to share the cost of sth equally with sb

  • (用于否定句)比想象的更糟糕(或更复杂)的部分:

    used in negative sentences to say that a situation is worse or more complicated than sb thinks

  • 另一类人的生活方式(尤指比自己富有得多的人):

    the way of life of a different social group, especially one much richer than you

  • 聪明(等)过头:

    clever, etc. in a way that annoys you or makes you suspicious

  • 半数:

    an amount equal to half of sth/sb

  • 绝大部分(时间、乐趣、麻烦等):

    the largest part of sth

  • 半块面包比没有面包强;聊胜于无:

    you should be grateful for sth, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing

  • 短时间;一会儿:

    a short time

  • 一点(或两点)半等:

    30 minutes after any hour on the clock

  • 到一半程度;半:

    to the extent of half

  • 部分地:


  • 50% 的增长:

    an increase of 50% of the existing number or amount

  • 很;非常:

    used to emphasize a statement or an opinion

  • 远非;差得多:

    not nearly

  • 一点不坏;很好:

    not bad at all; good


  • 一半;不完全

  • 相当地〔常与否定词连用,表示相反的意思〕

  • 部分地,不完全地

  • 半心半意地

  • 一半地

  • 不全面的

  • 不那么畅快的

  • 一部分的;不完全的

  • 略;不无;一星半点

  • 半,半个;半截;半边

  • 一半的

  • (尤指打官司的)一方

  • (足球)中卫; (运动中的)配手,合作者

  • (高尔夫球赛等)相同得分

  • 半时

  • 半圆片

  • 半小时;半英里;半品脱;半价票;〔美国〕半美元;半学年,一学期

  • (球赛的)半场,半局,半盘,半回合

  • 半,一半;一部分

  • 一半;半场;搭档

  • 一半,半数


  • 复数:halves




  • The centre-half has reached the zenith of his career, with performances that have been consistently outstanding throughout the season.


  • "Then four years ago, after saving for a year-and-a-half, I made my first trip to the Himalayas.


  • Brissenden half rose from his chair as he spoke, as if with the intention of departing to the restaurant forthwith.


  • "The matter has been under consultation for the past two and a half years, " he says.


  • Of course, it would be a painful half hour for him, and an embarrassing half hour for her, because it would be her first proposal.


  • I had a death threat a year and a half ago and I had a death threat just before the release of my movie.


  • Sat in the front row, his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word.


  • A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain.


  • so every time I got to the front collar and had to hold half the stitches.


  • I was in a small boat during the storm, but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again.


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