You can pay a full-board supplement. . . but for heaven"s sake don"t do that . . . you see it"s a bit dull eating in the hotel all the time.
"For Heaven"s sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one"s demise, please be a little more subtle, " he said.
"I mean, the FBI is acting like the KGB for heaven"s sake in this case, " says Sherri Sera. "And they were given carte blanche to do it. "
To me, saying a poodle with long legs is better than one with short legs seems absurd. A poodle"s a poodle, for heaven"s sake.
"The last thing you need between the two top economies in the world is a trade war, particularly during a recession, for heaven"s sake. "
"JOHN, for heaven"s sake, why can"t you just talk to me once in a while? " whined Mary.
Charlotte Lucas: Yes, Lizzie, what other kind of engaged is there Oh, for heaven"s sake, Lizzie, don"t look at me like that.
"But, Ida, for heaven"s sake! " he implored her, clasping his hands.
"For Heaven"s sake, Chris, why can"t you talk to me once in a while? " Julie whined.
but, for heaven"s sake! don"t repeat that horrid noise: nothing could excuse it, unless you were having your throat cut! "