英语单词 红联
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adj.: 健壮的;健康的;(质量、素质或技能)适合的
n.: (癫痫等的)突发;昏厥;痉挛;一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑)
v.: 合身;(大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳;试穿(衣服);安置
adv.: 适合地;适时地
网络: 飞度;合适;拟合(fitting)


  • (形状和尺寸)适合,合身:

    to be the right shape and size for sb/sth

  • (大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳,装进:

    to be of the right size, type or number to go somewhere

  • 试穿(衣服):

    to put clothes on sb and make them the right size and shape

  • 安置,安装(在某处):

    to put or fix sth somewhere

  • 合上;盖上;组合;组装:

    to put or join sth in the right place

  • (使)与…一致,和…相称,符合:

    to agree with, match or be suitable for sth; to make sth do this

  • 使适合,使胜任(某工作):

    to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job

  • (大小、形状)完全合适,恰好合身:

    to be the perfect size or shape for sb

  • 健壮的;健康的:

    healthy and strong, especially because you do regular physical exercise

  • (质量、素质或技能)适合的,恰当的,合格的:

    suitable; of the right quality; with the right qualities or skills

  • 可能(或准备)做某事至极端程度:

    ready or likely to do sth extreme

  • 性感迷人的:

    sexually attractive

  • 非常健康:

    in very good physical condition

  • 认为(做某事)恰当(或适合);决定,愿意(做某事):

    to consider it right or acceptable to do sth; to decide or choose to do sth

  • (癫痫等的)突发,发作;昏厥;痉挛:

    a sudden attack of an illness, such as epilepsy , in which sb becomes unconscious and their body may make violent movements

  • 一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑):

    a sudden short period of coughing or of laughing, that you cannot control

  • (强烈感情)发作,冲动:

    a short period of very strong feeling

  • (尤指衣服)适合,合身:

    the way that sth, especially a piece of clothing, fits

  • 匹配;相配:

    the way that two things match each other or are suitable for each other

  • 间歇地;一阵一阵地:

    frequently starting and stopping again; not continuously

  • 大为震惊;非常心烦意乱;大发脾气:

    to be very shocked, upset or angry


  • 适合地,恰当地;适时地〔仅用于下列成语〕

  • 舒舒服服

  • 应当

  • 〔口语〕几乎要…的

  • 胜任的,合格的;有准备的

  • 〔俚语〕健康的,结实的

  • 配;合适的;合格的

  • 适当的,相称的,合适的,适宜的

  • 适合的;胜任的

  • 【机械工程】配合;密接部

  • 诗歌;故事

  • 情绪,情调

  • 非特

  • (诗歌的)一节

  • (感情的)激发;一时高兴

  • 〔俚语〕(投考)准备

  • (病的)发作,惊厥,(婴儿的)惊风

  • 发作,中风;抽筋;(一)阵

  • 适当,妥当;合身

  • 耕(地)

  • 为…提供设备,供给

  • 装备,没有;戴

  • 使(某人或自己)适应或胜任:

  • 适应,对…合适,适用于

  • 适合;安装

  • 适合,符合,吻合

  • 适合于;合适:

  • 使适合,使适应使(服装等)合身使合格,使胜任〔美国〕使准备(投考)

  • 适合;调和,配合;(服装等)合身,合适;适应


  • 复数:fits

  • 比较级:fitter

  • 最高级:fittest

  • 过去分词:fitted

  • 现在分词:fitting


  • v.+n.:

    fit profile,fit image,fit device

  • adj.+n.:

    jacket fit,punishment fit

  • adv.+v.:

    fit snugly

  • adv.+adj.:

    extremely fit


n.convulsionspasmpetit malgrand malturnadj.appropriatefittinghealthywellfinev.matchsuitinstallput inmeasure




  • Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits.


  • The truth is, the far majority of men can fit just fine in a regular sized condom and if they do, they should use it.


  • The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel"s in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white lines all over.


  • As a matter of fact, Mother does not ask me to thank her in words, but does expect me to be hasty and fit for study.


  • We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence.


  • These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system"s feature of decentralization.


  • With a lot of the other defenders injured, you know that if you were fit you could get a good run in the side.


  • Owners must be aware of the effects that this may have on their boats and fit the correct cathodic protection system to avoid corrosion.


  • If none of these areas seem to fit your life, then you might want to buy a few charity raffle tickets or lotto tickets.


  • For the detail, you are right, but for general, we can build a basic frame to fit the general purpose, here, what I"m talking is about this.


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