英语单词 红联
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n.: 档案;文件夹;锉;锉刀
v.: 把(文件等)归档;提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)
网络: 文件名;文件菜单;案卷


  • 文件夹;卷宗:

    a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order

  • (计算机的)文件:

    a collection of information stored together in a computer, under a particular name

  • 档案:

    a file and the information it contains, for example about a particular person or subject

  • 锉;锉刀:

    a metal tool with a rough surface for cutting or shaping hard substances or for making them smooth

  • 排成一行的人(或物):

    a line of people or things, one behind the other

  • 一路纵队;单行:

    (in) one line, one behind the other

  • 把(文件等)归档:

    to put and keep documents, etc. in a particular place and in a particular order so that you can find them easily; to put a document into a file

  • 提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案):

    to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with

  • 发送(报道给报社):

    to send a report or a story to your employer

  • 排成一行行走:

    to walk in a line of people, one after the other, in a particular direction

  • 锉平;锉去;锉薄;锉光滑:

    to cut or shape sth or make sth smooth using a file


  • 修整

  • 命令(军队等)排成纵队行进

  • 用电报[话]发稿

  • 锉;磨炼(品性等);推敲(文章等)

  • 用锉刀锉

  • 声明;递交;提出

  • 排成纵队前进;申请;备案作候选人

  • 〔美国〕提起,提出

  • 按次序订存,编档保存,汇存

  • 归档,把…存档,合订

  • 行列;【军事】纵列

  • 【计算机】外存贮器,存贮带

  • 〔英俚〕滑头

  • 清单

  • (象棋盘上的)纵线

  • 外存储器

  • 纸夹,文件夹

  • 钉成册的文件,档案,卷宗,案卷,合订本

  • 文件夹,档案袋


  • 第三人称单数:files

  • 现在分词:filing

  • 过去式:filed


  • v.+n.:

    file information,file claim,file report,file complaint,file suit


n.foldersleevedossierreportprofilev.categorizeput on recordkeepmarchtroop


  • You"d have to make sure to bring the file with you, email it to yourself, or save it in a place you could get to it later.


  • The next three bits (shown in blue) represent your right to read, write, and execute the file, respectively.


  • Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable.


  • When instantiating the FileInputStream, pass it a String describing the path to the Excel file to read.


  • Is typically used by compilers to determine how much space to reserve in the file when creating a delay-signed assembly.


  • Real name The name used to store a file on disk. For some file systems, this may not be the same as the name used by most file system calls.


  • Tracking the versions of your file in a SharePoint library enables you to better manage content as it is revised.


  • A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out.


  • And I"d file my nails so they don"t hurt you, and lose those pounds, and learn about football, if it made you stay.


  • Script your action to a query window, the clipboard, or to a file, or schedule it to be executed at a later time.


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