英语单词 红联
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v.: 战斗;打架;作战;打斗
n.: 斗争;打架;打斗;搏斗
网络: 地下拳击场;格斗;打仗


  • 打仗;战斗;作战:

    to take part in a war or battle against an enemy

  • 搏斗;打斗;打架:

    to struggle physically with sb

  • 参加(竞赛);竞争:

    to take part in a contest against sb

  • 极力反对;与…作斗争:

    to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose sth bad

  • 努力争取;为…而斗争:

    to try very hard to get sth or to achieve sth

  • 争辩:

    to have an argument with sb about sth

  • 参加拳击比赛:

    to take part in a boxing match

  • (为…)和某人打官司:

    to try to get what you want in court

  • 维护地位、立场等:

    to defend your/sb"s position against other people

  • 以眼还眼,以牙还牙:

    to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using

  • (尤指严重伤病时)与死亡作斗争:

    to make a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill

  • 要努力奋斗才有的一线成功机会:

    a small chance of being successful if a great effort is made

  • 十分健壮;彪悍:

    extremely fit or healthy

  • 斗志;战斗精神:

    a feeling that you are ready to fight very hard for sth or to try sth difficult

  • 战斗性的言论:

    comments or remarks that show that you are ready to fight very hard for sth

  • 打一场无望取胜的仗;虽必败无疑犹作奋斗:

    to try to do sth that you will probably never succeed in doing

  • 不愿接受(或做)某事;回避;躲避:

    to be unwilling to accept sth or do sth, and to try to avoid it

  • 打到有一方倒下;一决雌雄:

    to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other

  • 坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争:

    to fight in a very determined way for what you want

  • 独力战胜;独自奋斗成功:

    to be able to win an argument or get what you want without anyone"s help

  • 搏斗;打斗;打架:

    a struggle against sb/sth using physical force

  • 斗争:

    the work of trying to destroy, prevent or achieve sth

  • (尤指体育运动)比赛,竞赛:

    a competition or an act of competing, especially in a sport

  • 争论;争吵:

    an argument about sth

  • 战斗(尤指为夺取某一地方或位置):

    a battle, especially for a particular place or position

  • 斗志;战斗力:

    the desire or ability to keep fighting for sth

  • (体育比赛、选举等的)直到最后才能决出胜负的斗争:

    a sports competition, election, etc. between sides that are so equal in ability that they continue fighting very hard until the end


  • 好战的,好斗的

  • 容易引起争斗的,挑战性的

  • 作战(的),交战(的),厮杀的

  • 适于战斗的

  • 战斗的,斗争的,搏斗的

  • 殴斗;战事;短兵相接

  • 战争,战斗,作战






  • Britain said the military team would not train or arm Libyan rebel forces in fighting troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi.


  • As Miss Barclay, she was the only woman to have served on a British fighting ship during the war.


  • Some groups evolved from ones that had been fighting India in Kashmir, but most were tribesmen who previously had not been active.


  • A man is knee-deep in the dark water and looks to be fighting something, maybe grappling out a big fish.


  • He said his opponents should focus on fighting him in elections.


  • Don"t say premier to her Jing dollar cure injury of is isn"t that he hard to say, he now gush is fighting to want her to be responsible for?


  • Some Americans did understand that the United States was now a world power and needed a strong and modern fighting force.


  • If he is to become a revolutionary with an indomitable fighting spirit, he must be tempered in the arduous struggle from his youth.


  • And the early evidence suggests that the kitchen may indeed contain potent disease-fighting agents, just as the medicine cabinet does.


  • Soldiers were told they came from an oppressed class and that the nature of the war they were fighting was to end exploitation.


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