英语单词 红联
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v.: 想象;竟然;认为;想要;妄想;相信;自以为;想…
n.: 爱好;想象的事物;想象(力);想要;花式;花式货品;幻想;嗜好
adj.: 空想的;异想天开的;异常的;煞费心机的;异常复杂的;太花哨的;精致的;有精美装饰的
网络: 虚构的;想像出来的;幻想的


  • 想要;想做:

    to want sth or want to do sth

  • 对…有性幻想;倾慕:

    to be sexually attracted to sb

  • 自负;自命不凡:

    to think that you are very popular, attractive or intelligent

  • 自认为是;自命为:

    to like the idea of being sth or to believe, often wrongly, that you are sth

  • (表示惊奇或震惊)真想不到,竟然:

    used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth

  • 认为…会成功;(尤指速度竞赛)认为…要赢:

    to think that sb/sth will win or be successful at sth, especially in a race

  • 认为;想象:

    to believe or imagine sth

  • 想象的事物;想象(力):

    something that you imagine; your imagination

  • 想要;爱好:

    a feeling that you would like to have or to do sth

  • 花色小蛋糕:

    a small decorated cake

  • 当(或无论何时等)想做某事时:

    as/whenever, etc. you feel like doing sth

  • 吸引某人;中某人的意:

    to attract or please sb

  • 喜欢上,爱上(常指没有明显原因):

    to start liking sb/sth, often without an obvious reason

  • 异常复杂的;太花哨的:

    unusually complicated, often in an unnecessary way; intended to impress other people

  • 精致的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的;花哨的:

    with a lot of decorations or bright colours

  • 昂贵的;奢华的:

    expensive or connected with an expensive way of life

  • 优质的;高档的:

    of high quality


  • 空想的;虚构的

  • 幻想的,空想出来的


  • She must have been furious -- all that effort meant nothing when a leggy model walked past Jagger, and he fancied a bit of "new" .


  • Tom groaned louder, and fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe.


  • Afterwards, it is said, the police arrested anyone they fancied , guilty or not.


  • I worked up the courage to show him something new, a primitive short story written in what I fancied to be the dark Russian manner.


  • And during the disappointment, he fancied, "If I could changed into a fish, then I could swim upstream along the cataract and get freed. "


  • As she had seated herself beside him and leaned her head against him, Jean Valjean had fancied that she was asleep.


  • We were at a dinner with friends when I realised how much I fancied her.


  • It was also easy to get a cheap flight back for the weekend if I fancied a weekend of home comforts.


  • She"d fancied me from day one and was determined to bed me. I was so thrilled and flattered that we made love all over again.


  • Nikolay could not, so he fancied, endure this position any longer, and he went in to his mother to have it out with her.


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