enough said
enough said什么意思,enough said翻译
网络: 说够了;不用多说;你说够了
But Asia is ambitious enough, said producer Chen Weiming on the side of a press event Monday in Beijing. "We"re just too far from the U.
"We are sorry to let you down. Our efforts were not enough, " said the island"s first female presidential candidate.
"I am strong enough, " said the blind man. "I can go if I can only see the way. "
shower is not working, and I don"t like this house. Enough said.
"I am strong enough, " said the other, "I could go if I could but see the way. "
He drank and drank. "I have had enough, " said the mouse.
"I"ve had experience enough, " said Hurstwood blandly, but he felt a little diffident about referring to Fitzgerald and Moy.
Not good enough, said the Palestinians.
"In the United States, the sleep of our children is clearly not enough, " said lead researcher Dr.
Her right leg is a gun. The rest of her is Rose McGowan. Enough said.