英语单词 红联
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na.: 表示“内”;“endo-”的变体


  • (时间、事件、活动或故事的)终止,终结,结局,结尾:

    the final part of a period of time, an event, an activity or a story

  • 末端;尽头;末梢:

    the part of an object or a place that is the furthest away from its centre

  • 结束;破灭:

    a situation in which sth does not exist any more

  • 目的;目标:

    an aim or a purpose

  • (尤指经营活动的)部分,方面:

    a part of an activity with which sb is concerned, especially in business

  • 端点;终点:

    either of two places connected by a telephone call, journey, etc.

  • 半边球场:

    one of the two halves of a sports field

  • 剩余物;残余;残片:

    a small piece that is left after sth has been used

  • 辞世,过世(婉辞,与 death 同义):

    a person"s death. People sayend to avoid sayingdeath .

  • (考虑到所有情况后引出最重要的事实)最终,到头来:

    used to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered

  • 不愉快的结局;可悲的下场:

    something unpleasant that happens to sb, for example punishment or a violent death, usually because of their own actions

  • 所剩无几;到…的尽头(或极限):

    to have almost nothing left of sth

  • 筋疲力尽;智穷力竭;山穷水尽:

    to feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, worried, etc.

  • 令人讨厌;惹人烦恼;让人无法容忍:

    when you say that people or situations arethe end , you mean that you are annoyed with them

  • 本身重要的事:

    a thing that is itself important and not just a part of sth more important

  • 只要目的正当,可以不择手段:

    bad or unfair methods of doing sth are acceptable if the result of that action is good or positive

  • (达到)尽头,极限;穷途末路:

    (to reach) the point at which sth can no longer continue in the same way

  • 情况就是这样;就这么办:

    used when you are stating that there is nothing more that can be said or done about sth

  • 首尾相接连成一行:

    in a line, with the ends touching

  • 性交:

    to have sex

  • 走遍天涯海角;历尽千辛万苦:

    to do everything possible, even if it is difficult, in order to get or achieve sth

  • 最后;终于:

    after a long period of time or series of events

  • 到头来;最终:

    after everything has been considered

  • (在困境中)不泄气,保持乐观:

    to continue to be cheerful in a difficult situation

  • 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计:

    to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need

  • 极其;非常:

    very much

  • 无数;大量;许多:

    a lot of sth

  • 天不会塌下来;不是灭顶之灾:

    not the worst thing that could happen to sb

  • 竖着;直立着:

    in a vertical position

  • 连续地;不断地:

    for the stated length of time, without stopping

  • 自杀;一了百了:

    to kill yourself

  • 结束;终止:

    to finish; to make sth finish

  • 最大(或最重要、最激动人心等)的…:

    used to emphasize how large, important, exciting, etc. you think sth is

  • (在某种状态下或某处)度过余生,安度晚年:

    to spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place

  • (告诫时说)以痛苦而告终,结局悲惨:

    if you say that sth willend in tears , you are warning sb that what they are doing will have an unhappy or unpleasant result

  • 自杀;一了百了:

    to kill yourself


  • 表示“内”,“内部” : endocrine


  • The cost of a full-time MBA programme, especially from those schools at the top end of the rankings, remains significant.


  • The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the word-end boundary assertion.


  • In the end, I decided to take her out to play some day we dined together, to talk about the heart and another slip of the ice.


  • In the end, it was hard to tell whether I was really getting apps that were a good fit for me or just a random bunch of new app suggestions.


  • Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year.


  • I think in the end he just wanted to see how much I really wanted to put them in.


  • At the end of that player"s next turn, that player returns those cards to his or her hand.


  • They had hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end of the month, but things did not work out as they had expected.


  • It did not signal the arrival of a new world, but it has accelerated the end of the American Century.


  • MARY LOU DiNARDO checked three times to make sure: was that a smiley face at the end of the latest e-mail from her most dour client?


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