英语单词 红联
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adv.: 轻点;小心;慢些
adj.: 容易的;轻易的;不费力的;舒适的
n.: 〈口〉暂时的休息;〈美口〉易受欺骗的人
网络: 更容易的;更舒松的;较容易


  • 容易的;轻易的;不费力的:

    not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems

  • 舒适的;安逸的;安心的:

    comfortable, relaxed and not worried

  • 易受攻击的;无自卫能力的;容易吃亏的:

    open to attack; not able to defend yourself

  • 随和的;平易近人的:

    pleasant and friendly

  • 水性杨花;轻浮;放荡:

    willing to have sex with many different people

  • 十分容易;极容易;轻而易举:

    very easy or very easily

  • 来得容易的钱:

    money that you get without having to work very hard for it

  • 好听╱好看的;悦耳╱悦目的:

    pleasant to listen to or look at

  • 日子好过;过得舒适;毫无困难:

    to have no difficulties or problems

  • 我随便;我好办;我无所谓:

    used to say that you do not have a strong opinion when sb has offered you a choice

  • 水性杨花;轻浮;放荡:

    willing to have sex with anyone

  • 环境舒适;生活优裕;安定富足:

    enjoying a comfortable way of life with plenty of money

  • 以最简单的方法解决难题;快刀斩乱麻:

    to end a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution even if it is not the best one

  • 小心;慢些;轻点:

    used to tell sb to be careful when doing sth

  • 安下心;松口气:

    to relax and stop worrying

  • 说时容易做时难;谈何容易:

    to be much more difficult to do than to talk about

  • 来得容易去得快;易得则易失:

    used to mean that sb does not care very much about money or possessions especially if they spend it or lose sth

  • 小心些;别急;悠着点:

    used to tell sb to do sth, or move sth, slowly and carefully

  • 对某人温和(或宽容)些:

    used to tell sb to treat a person in a gentle way and not to be too angry or severe

  • 省着点;少用些;别浪费:

    used to tell sb not to use too much of sth

  • (对某人来说)并非易事:

    to be difficult for sb to do

  • (对士兵的命令用语)原地休息:

    used as a command to soldiers who are already standing at ease to tell them that they can stand in an even more relaxed way

  • 别急;沉住气;从容点:

    used to tell sb not to be worried or angry

  • 放松;休息;别过分劳累:

    to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much


  • 〔口语〕暂时的休息,(桨手的)歇气

  • 〔美口〕易受欺骗的人,老好人

  • 〔口语〕容易,轻易;慢慢,安然,悠然

  • 【牌戏】双方平等分配的

  • 【商业】(物资)丰富的;(物价)便宜的;(银根)松动的

  • 慈善的;温厚的

  • 平缓的,从容的,缓慢的

  • 满意,舒服;安心,放心,安逸的,图安逸的

  • 舒服的,安乐的,大方的;宽裕的;(衣服等)宽松的;懒散的,散漫的

  • 平易的,(笔墨等)流畅的

  • 随随便便的;易顺从的

  • 从容,从容不迫,轻松自如的,泰然自若

  • 容易的


  • 比较级:easier

  • 最高级:easiest


  • adj.+n.:

    easy way,easy access,easy task,easy job,easy money






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