dialog box
dialog box什么意思,dialog box翻译
na.: 【计】对话框
网络: 对话方块;对话框函数;对话窗口
a box that appears on a computer screen asking the user to choose what they want to do next
The control appears in the dialog box, where you can edit it or create handlers for it just as you would any other control.
If the dialog box is used to define the properties of an object, the title bar should contain the name or description of that object.
The Edit Local Site dialog box shown in figure 7 opens with the name and path information for your update site.
To see more color categories or to create a new color category, click All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box.
When a security dialog box appears, you have the option to enable the external content or to leave it blocked.
New Application Setting dialog box, configure the setting by giving it a name and a default value (if applicable) and setting its scope.
The application can return 0 only if it has explicitly set the input focus to one of the controls in the dialog box.
the car to interrogate him with a dialog box, nor would the carpenter appreciate one (like the one in Figure 10-2) appearing on her hammer.
If the Match Fields dialog box appears, Microsoft Word may have been unable to find some of the information it needs for the address block.
By populating dijit. Dialog with HTML markup and widgets, we determine how the body of the dialog box is going to look.