dark energy
dark energy什么意思,dark energy翻译
n.: 暗能量
网络: 黑能
Astronomers believe they may have found a link between two mysterious phenomena that make up the universe - dark matter and dark energy.
Until now, the proposed dark energy state of DNA was a little like the dark matter in the universe ? there was no direct way of probing it.
At the moment, many researchers believe that dark energy may be a foam of quantum particles that exists throughout the vacuum of space.
a very interesting physical interpretation of the dark energy can be obtained as a vacuum energy , from the following line of reasoning.
"So far, the greatest achievement with dark energy is giving it a name, " Turner said of the elusive force.
Supernovae studies have allowed scientists to see that dark energy has been impacting galaxies since as far back as nine billion years ago.
Without the dark energy needed to explain the acceleration, the universe would have only a quarter of the necessary density.
Scientists trying to explain the universe"s accelerating expansion usually point to dark energy, which seems to be pushing everything apart.
Debate about the exact nature of the dark side of the Universe - the dark matter and dark energy - continues to this day.
So to understand the evidence for dark energy, we need to discuss something that Stephen Hawking referred to in the previous session.