英语单词 红联
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n.: 俱乐部;会;社团;夜总会
adj.: 俱乐部的;客饭性质的
v.: 用棍棒(或类似棍棒之物)打;泡夜总会
网络: 夜总会看门人;棒状的;脸


  • 俱乐部;社团;会:

    a group of people who meet together regularly, for a particular activity, sport, etc.

  • (俱乐部使用的)建筑设施,活动室:

    the building or rooms that a particular club uses

  • 职业运动俱乐部:

    a professional sports organization that includes the players, managers, owners and members

  • (尤指年轻人听音乐、跳舞等的)俱乐部,夜总会:

    a place where people, especially young people, go and listen to music, dance, etc.

  • (尤指英国)男性俱乐部:

    (especially in Britain) an organization and a place where people, usually men only, can meet together socially or stay

  • (以优惠价出售图书、激光唱片等给成员的)读者俱乐部,听众俱乐部,…会:

    an organization that sells books, CDs, etc. cheaply to its members

  • 击棍(一头粗一头细):

    a heavy stick with one end thicker than the other, that is used as a weapon

  • 梅花:

    one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deck of cards. The clubs have a black design shaped like three black leaves on a short stem .

  • 梅花牌:

    one card from the suit called clubs

  • 怀孕;肚子大了:

    to be pregnant

  • 用棍棒(或类似棍棒之物)打:

    to hit a person or an animal with a heavy stick or similar object

  • 泡夜总会:

    to spend time dancing and drinking in nightclubs


  • 棒状的〔指畸形的手、植物、果实等〕

  • 端部变粗的


  • The girls always clubbed together and did not hang out with him.


  • The workers in the office clubbed together to buy her a present for her birthday.


  • Ms Aktas now hobbles around on crutches: the police clubbed her so hard as she tried to escape that they broke her left hip.


  • Two minutes from the time Curly went down, the last of her assailants were clubbed off.


  • Distillation: Take off clubbed glass stopple, imbibe di gest solution by pipet and transfer it carefully to the bottom of small glass cup.


  • He clubbed desperately at what he could only feel and hear and he felt something seized the club and it was gone.


  • They clubbed together to help him to do this work.


  • Clubbed orders are often taken up for clearance checking.


  • Most of the city"s dogs have been vaccinated, but thousands have also been killed, often clubbed to death with sticks.


  • Taking advantage of the new "live ball" rules, Ruth alone clubbed 54 home runs in his first year with the Yankees.


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