英语单词 红联
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v.: 结束;闭合;封闭;闭(眼等)
adj.: 局促的;严密的;紧密的;严丝合缝的
n.: 【乐】终止(法);结尾复纵线(∥);终结;白刃战
adv.: 密接;亲密地;紧密地;秘密地
网络: 偷心;偷情;靠近


  • (在空间、时间上)接近:

    near in space or time

  • 几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事):

    almost in a particular state; likely to do sth soon

  • 亲密的;密切的:

    knowing sb very well and liking them very much

  • (家庭关系)亲近的:

    near in family relationship

  • (与某人的工作或活动)紧密相关的,密切的:

    very involved in the work or activities of sb else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly

  • 细致的;严密的;周密的:

    careful and thorough

  • 酷似的;几乎相等的:

    very similar to sth else or to an amount

  • 实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的:

    won by only a small amount or distance

  • (通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些:

    used to describe sth, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation, that nearly happens

  • 空隙极小的;无空隙的;密集的;紧凑的:

    with little or no space in between

  • 剪到齐根的;剪得很短的:

    cut very short, near to the skin

  • 严加戒备的;守卫严密的:

    carefully guarded

  • 闷热的;不通风的:

    warm in an uncomfortable way because there does not seem to be enough fresh air

  • (对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶:

    not willing to give personal information about yourself

  • 吝啬;小气:

    not liking to spend money

  • 闭塞音的,闭的(发音时口形相对闭合的):

    produced with the mouth in a relatively closed position

  • 很近;非常靠近:

    very near

  • 很接近,但还是输了;猜得差不多,但不完全对:

    used to tell sb that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successful

  • 侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难:

    a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.

  • 成败机会各半:

    a situation in which success or failure is equally possible

  • (话语或讨论的话题)因点中要害而使人局促不安(或尴尬):

    if a remark or topic of discussion isclose to home , it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed

  • 密切注视;严密监视:

    to watch sb/sth carefully

  • 接近;靠近;紧挨着;不远地:

    near; not far away

  • 在附近;在触手可及的地方:

    near; in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily

  • (离…)不远;在不远处;在近旁:

    at a short distance (from sb/sth)

  • 几乎;接近;差不多:

    almost; nearly

  • (比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北:

    a situation in which sb only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election

  • 在很近处;很近地:

    in a position very near to sth

  • (在空间上)离…很近:

    very near in space to sb/sth

  • 几乎达到;差不多:

    to almost reach or do sth

  • 与…不相上下;可与…媲美:

    to be nearly as good, fast, successful, etc. as sb/sth else

  • 一端不通的街道;死胡同;死巷道:

    a street that is closed at one end

  • 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物:

    the grounds and buildings that surround and belong to a cathedral


  • 靠近的

  • 【建筑】镶墙边的砖石

  • 关闭者;闭塞器

  • 覆土器

  • 接砖

  • 〔电信〕闭合器,闭塞器;〔机〕合绳机,捻绳机;〔建〕镶墙边的转面

  • 闭合板桩


  • 复数:closers


  • She said, "I thought that as he got older he would grow closer to the Lord and become a different person. "


  • Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face.


  • I don"t know how much closer we can get, but I am confident we will not be so far behind.


  • Either way, perhaps its time we all took a bit of a closer look at what we do online and studied our digital reflection.


  • He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots, She did and noted that they were soft .


  • "Part of what hurt Lehman and Bear was the fear that as you got closer to quarter-end, there was going to be a run on the bank, " he said.


  • It was at this point that his mood noticeably darkened. I found myself easing a bit closer so as not to miss a single detail.


  • "This tells me that London was a bit frothy, while China was trading closer to fair value, " said a trader based in Perth.


  • Give me a break! She"s such a monet. Just take a closer look, and you"ll see what I mean.


  • As Hans-Werner Sinn of the CESifo institute in Munich notes, this threat seems to be closer.


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