call of duty
call of duty什么意思,call of duty翻译
网络: 使命召唤;决胜时刻;使命的召唤
Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road.
They were all incredibly nice to me, especially Terry Brooks, who really goes above and beyond the call of duty to help new authors.
Regardless of what you work on, do you think there"s a market saturation of the type of game that you broke out with, in Call of Duty?
Raising two teenagers is rough all on its own, but taking in what many believed to be an alien is above and beyond the call of duty.
After her studies were completed, she planned to answer the call of duty to country and family, and return to Poland to care for her father.
A first-person and third-person shooter game, Call of Duty has emerged in recent years to be one of the most popular game series ever.
Due to her performance above and beyond the call of duty, she was given a wonderful promotion.
There remained one final call of duty for Armand to answer, which was to rejoin his father. Once more, he asked me to accompany him.
However, price and release date are unknown at this point. It"s the true original Call of Duty including full multiplayer.
Mr. Randol admits that over the last three years he"s indulged in too much beer and "Call of Duty, " the popular war-simulation videogame.