英语单词 红联
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adj.: 令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的;质量差的
adv.: 很;非常
n.: 坏人;坏事(物)
网络: 严重的;不好;不好的


  • 令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的:

    unpleasant; full of problems

  • 质量差的;不合格的:

    of poor quality; below an acceptable standard

  • 拙于;不擅;不善于:

    not able to do sth well or in an acceptable way

  • 严重的;剧烈的:

    serious; severe

  • 不适合的;不适当的:

    not appropriate in a particular situation

  • 不道德的;邪恶的:

    morally unacceptable

  • 顽皮的;不乖的:

    not behaving well

  • 有害;招致损害:

    harmful; causing or likely to cause damage

  • 有病的;疼痛的:

    not healthy; painful

  • 变质的;腐烂的:

    not safe to eat because it has decayed

  • 发脾气;坏情绪;恼怒:

    the state of feeling annoyed or angry

  • 感到愧疚(或遗憾):

    to feel guilty or sorry about sth

  • 觉得不舒服;感到有病;面有病容;气色不好:

    to feel or look ill/sick

  • 顶呱呱的;没治:

    good; excellent

  • 大多数含 bad 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 be bad news (for sb/sth) 在词条 news 下。:

    Most idioms containingbad are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for examplebe bad news (for sb/sth) is atnews .

  • (劝导时说)没有什么不好:

    used to try to persuade sb to agree that sth is good

  • 热恋着;在热恋中:

    to be very much in love

  • 不错;比预料的好:

    quite good; better than you expected

  • (等于说“倒霉”或“可惜”,实际上并无同情之意):

    used to say ‘bad luck’ or ‘it"s a shame’ when you do not really mean it

  • 遗憾;可惜:

    a shame; a pity

  • 令人生气的;恼人的:


  • 坏人;坏事(物):

    bad people, things, or events

  • 堕落:

    to begin behaving in an immoral way

  • 是我的错;我错了:

    used when you are admitting that sth is your fault or that you have made a mistake

  • 接受人生的甘苦(或事物的好与坏):

    to accept the bad aspects of sth as well as the good ones

  • 亏损:

    used to say that sb now has a particular amount less money than they did before

  • 很;非常:



  • 恶劣状态,恶;不幸,倒霉

  • 〔美口〕笨拙

  • 【法律】不成立的;空名的

  • 腐败的;臭的

  • 使人不愉快的;懊恼的

  • 痛的,病的,不舒服的

  • 严重的,厉害的

  • 不中用的;低劣的;拙劣的

  • 不正确的,错误的

  • 不利的;有害的

  • 不良的

  • 坏的,恶的,歹的,不好的,不道德的


  • 比较级:worse

  • 最高级:worst


  • adj.+n.:

    bad luck,bad habit,bad thing,bad mood,bad temper

  • adv.+v.:

    feel bad






  • The efficiency hawks, he said, emphasize standardized testing, cracking down on poor school management and purging bad teachers.


  • "Well its been a good yr too bad its over, " the actor, 22, Tweeted Friday, seemingly alluding to his diminished role on the show.


  • It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, and in a way it was.


  • Sooner or later your bad deeds will catch up with you, and then no matter how much money you have, it won"t do you any good.


  • So white tiger"s bad. And the tigers are the only striped cat out of the whole feline kingdom, and they"re supposed to be orange and black.


  • In their view, battening down the hatches at a time when their markets are still growing would be, quite simply, bad business.


  • The transition would be made easier if I could tell the difference between a good sales job, and a bad one.


  • having had a quarrel with his wife , he left home in a bad temper .


  • Over the next 12 months we"re going to get a lot of bad news and towards the end, we"ll start getting a bit of good economic news.


  • "We have never been better at taking bad people off the battlefield, " says John Nagl, an American counter-insurgency expert.


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