英语单词 红联
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n.: 账户;说明;账号;叙述
v.: 认为是;视为
网络: 帐户;帐号;帐目


  • 账户:

    an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.

  • 账目:

    a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it

  • 赊销账;赊欠账;赊购:

    an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month

  • 老主顾:

    a regular customer

  • (互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号:

    an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.

  • 描述;叙述;报告:

    a written or spoken description of sth that has happened

  • (对思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述:

    an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process

  • 据说;根据报道:

    according to what other people say

  • 根据某人自己所说:

    according to what you say yourself

  • (尤指比赛中)表现好╱不好,干得出色╱差劲:

    to do sth or perform well or badly, especially in a contest

  • 不重要;无足轻重:

    not important

  • 挂账;(先付小部分款额的)赊账:

    if you buy sth or payon account , you pay nothing or only a small amount immediately and the rest later

  • 为了某人的缘故:

    because of what you think sb wants

  • 由于;因为:

    because of sb/sth

  • 决不;绝对不:

    not for any reason

  • 为自己:

    for yourself

  • 自愿地:

    because you want to and you have decided, not sb else

  • 由于这个╱那个缘故:

    because of the particular thing that has been mentioned

  • 善用;利用:

    to use sth in a good or helpful way

  • 考虑到;顾及:

    to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about sth

  • 认为是;视为:

    to have the opinion that sb/sth is a particular thing

  • 人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好:

    used to say how difficult it is to understand why sb likes sb/sth that you do not like at all


  • 说出…用途

  • 以为

  • 把…看作;可以算作

  • 认为…如何〔后接受词及补语〕

  • 估计

  • 算帐

  • 消息;传说

  • 文章

  • 说法

  • 报导,报道;报告;汇报

  • 理由,原因

  • 叙述;记述;记载;描写;讲讲;介绍;解释

  • 说明,解释;记事,故事

  • 重要性;考虑;价值;利益

  • 计算;账;账目;账户;计算书,账单;报告书,报表

  • 计算;帐;帐目;户头;帐户;计帐


  • 复数:accounts

  • 过去分词:accounted

  • 现在分词:accounting


  • v.+n.:

    open account,give account,close account,settle account,keep account

  • adj.+n.:

    current account,brief account,full account,accurate account,general account




  • However, they took the money for the passport out of my account 2 months ago, causing me to go overdrawn, and not pay my travel insurance.


  • While HKE is still the biggest contributor to CKI"s profits, overseas investments now account for half of the company"s bottom line.


  • Trains from Shanghai may be up to ten minutes late, on account of repairs to the track.


  • Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier"s account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence.


  • No. APS may also be used for a non- discretionary account upon request of a customer.


  • TYPICAL USE: A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practices in his friends.


  • Therefore, the MA would wish to be notified of, and approve, such a change, taking into account the principles set out in this Guideline.


  • But she did say I could pick up my debit card in person at the third branch and could use it when my account was eventually unfrozen.


  • (Film critic)Libby"s columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane life and the peripheral role that movies play in it.


  • If you are trying to open a second account under the same name, or using the same credit card, you will not be allowed to.


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