今天把Fedora Core 8给fdisk /mbr卸载了,准备在Windows下用VMware Workstation 6.0装一个虚拟服务器,这样省得Win和Linux之间切换,况且装了以后一台机变成了“两”台机,可以测试用,以前装过一次,那是很早的时候了,大学的时候,现在技术革新,安装时碰到了不少问题,不过在官方找到了答案(Google了一下,没有找到相应的解决办法)。下面说说我的问题,我在安装过程中,前面一切没问题,只是有几点要提醒一下:
1、在选择I/O适配器类型时,默认是选择BusLogic,这里最好选择LSI Logic,详见下文(摘自官方):
Note With many Linux guest operating systems, various problems have been observed when the BusLogic virtual SCSI adapter is used with VMware virtual machines. VMware recommends that you use the LSI Logic virtual SCSI adapter with this guest operating system.
You might see a warning that says:
Bad partition table. The partition table on device sda is corrupted. To create new partitions, it must be initialized, causing the loss of ALL DATA on the drive.
This does not mean that anything is wrong with the hard drive on your physical computer. It simply means that the virtual hard drive in your virtual machine needs to be partitioned and formatted. Select the Initialize button and press Enter. Also note that sda appears in the message as the device name if the virtual disk in question is a SCSI disk; if the virtual disk is an IDE drive, hda appears in the message as the device name instead.