

发布时间:2014-11-13 15:17:06来源:linux网站作者:chenshake

最近学习Ubuntu的Orchestra, 里面集成cobbler。也集成了preseed文件。




# Use server kernel
d-i     base-installer/kernel/image     string linux-server

# User Setup
#d-i    passwd/root-login    boolean false
#d-i    passwd/make-user    boolean true
#d-i    passwd/user-fullname    string ubuntu
#d-i    passwd/username    string ubuntu
#d-i    passwd/user-password-crypted password $6$.1eHH0iY$ArGzKX2YeQ3G6U.mlOO3A.NaL22Ewgz8Fi4qqz.Ns7EMKjEJRIW2Pm/TikDptZpuu7I92frytmk5YeL.9fRY4.
#d-i    passwd/user-uid    string
#d-i    user-setup/allow-password-weak    boolean false
#d-i    user-setup/encrypt-home    boolean false
#d-i    passwd/user-default-groups    string adm cdrom dialout lpadmin plugdev sambashare

# Account setup
d-i passwd/root-login boolean root
d-i passwd/root-password password root123
d-i passwd/root-password-again password root123
d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false


# By default the installer requires that repositories be authenticated
# using a known gpg key. This setting can be used to disable that
# authentication. Warning: Insecure, not recommended.
d-i debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated string false

# Lang
d-i     pkgsel/language-packs   multiselect en
d-i     pkgsel/update-policy    select none
d-i     pkgsel/updatedb boolean true

# Boot-loader
d-i     grub-installer/skip     boolean false
d-i     lilo-installer/skip     boolean false
d-i     grub-installer/only_debian      boolean true
d-i     grub-installer/with_other_os    boolean true
d-i     finish-install/keep-consoles    boolean false
d-i     finish-install/reboot_in_progress       note

# Eject cdrom
d-i     cdrom-detect/eject      boolean true

# Do not halt/poweroff after install
d-i     debian-installer/exit/halt      boolean false
d-i     debian-installer/exit/poweroff  boolean false

# Install minimum packages that are essential for server bootstrapping

# Launch byobu by default
#byobu   byobu/launch-by-default boolean true

# Set cloud-init data source to manual seeding
cloud-init      cloud-init/datasources  multiselect     NoCloud

# Set rsyslog server

# Post scripts. Executes late command and disables PXE
#d-i    preseed/late_command string true && \
$SNIPPET('orchestra_rsyslog_obtain_keys') && \
$SNIPPET('orchestra_disable_pxe') && \