在Parallels 10安装Ubuntu 15.04不能安装Parallels tool的解决办法,就是下载补丁:parallels-tools-3.19-patch.diff.zip
Temporary fix for kernel 3.19
So, I thought I would quickly hack-up a fix for kernel 3.19. It is messy and not guaranteed to work in every case but it will do for me for now. I have created it for 10.2.0 since that is what I use.
To install:
* Copy the parallels tools files somewhere
* Enter the kmods directory and extract the prl_mods.tar.gz file
* Move the .tar.gz somewhere safe
* Unzip and apply my patch (patch -p1 < parallels-tools-3.19-patch.diff)
* Compress the files again (tar -zcvf prl_mods.tar.gz *)
* Drop down a directory and run the installed (sudo ./install)
It appears to be basically down to certain FS structs in the kernel becoming opaque in 3.19.
Dual boot Gnome Ubuntu 15.04 on a Surface Pro 3:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/linux/12262.html