英语单词 红联
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dear me

dear me什么意思,dear me翻译


un.: 哎呀
网络: 天哪;天啊;我的天啊


  • 哎呀


  • "Oh, dear me! " exclaimed Carrie. Then she settled back with a sigh. "There"s no use crying over spilt milk, " she said. "It"s too late. "


  • "Dear me, George, whatever is the matter? " said her mother, putting down the flowers. "I heard you father shouting, and then you. "


  • he sat there nodding his head and said: "Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes! "


  • "Dear me" , said the old minister to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office? "


  • Newton remarked, "Dear me, I thought I had not dined, but I see have. "


  • "Dear me, " he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office? "


  • "Dear me! " said his mother, "you should have carried it on your head. "


  • "Dear me, no! " is Gordon"s answer and he laughs uproariously at the very thought of it!


  • Dear me, I didn"t know anyone was here! stammered Jo, preparing to back out as speedily as she had bounced in.


  • Dear me! we had such a good piece of fun the other day at Colonel Foster"s.


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