英语单词 红联
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n.: 时钟
v.: 达到(某时间或速度);测…的速度;注意到;认出
网络: 钟表;时脉;时钟信号


  • 时钟;钟:

    an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room or on the wall of a building (not worn or carried like a watch)

  • 抢时间;争分夺秒:

    if you do sthagainst the clock , you do it fast in order to finish before a particular time

  • 日夜不停;夜以继日:

    all day and all night without stopping

  • (夏时制开始和结束时)把时钟拨快╱拨回(一般为一个小时):

    to change the time shown by clocks, usually by one hour, when the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summer

  • 倒退;复旧;怀旧:

    to return to a situation that existed in the past; to remember a past age

  • 开倒车:

    to return to old-fashioned methods or ideas

  • 消耗掉剩余的比赛时间(比赛接近结束时,球队不想进球而只设法控制住球,以阻止对方进球得分):

    if a sports team tries torun down/out the clock at the end of a game, it stops trying to score and just tries to keep hold of the ball to stop the other team from scoring

  • (夏时制)时钟被拨快╱拨回:

    the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summer

  • 达到(某时间或速度):

    to reach a particular time or speed

  • 测…的速度:

    to measure the speed at which sb/sth is travelling

  • 注意到;认出:

    to notice or recognize sb

  • 非法减少(车辆)计程器上的里程数;回拨(车辆)里程表作弊:

    to illegally reduce the number of miles shown on a vehicle"s milometer(= instrument that measures the number of miles it has travelled) in order to make the vehicle appear to have travelled fewer miles than it really has


  • 精确时计

  • 织[绣]上袜跟部[侧下方]花纹

  • 记时

  • (用机械)记录(速度、距离、次数等)

  • (在自动计时器上)记下考勤

  • 看好(时间)

  • 为(比赛等)计时;(运动员等)用…时间跑[游]完

  • 【自动化】(电子计算机的)时钟脉冲(器)

  • 【天文学】时钟座〔星座名〕

  • 〔英俚〕(人的)面孔

  • 袜子跟部[侧面下方]的织绣花纹

  • 机器

  • 同步信号

  • 〔俚语〕记秒表,卡马表;〔美俚〕驾驶仪表,速度表,里程计

  • 钟;挂钟,座钟,上下班计时计

  • 钟声

  • 点钟


  • 复数:clocks

  • 过去分词:clocked

  • 现在分词:clocking


  • v.+n.:

    set clock,wind clock

  • adj.+n.:

    electric clock




  • I wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock, and as I reach over to turn it off, I essentially press play to start my day.


  • That is how he looked at one o"clock, when he walked out of the bathroom as if he had just awakened from a restorative sleep.


  • One cause of bit slippage is overflow of a receive buffer that occurs when the transmitter"s clock rate exceeds that of the receiver.


  • Professor Hinkle made it a practice to start class every morning promptly at nine o"clock on the dot.


  • "Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o"clock; but you may call me if you want anything in the night.


  • When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o"clock in the morning, yes it may have taken hours.


  • Though I was unhappy, it was time to get up. When I prepared to brush teeth, I suddenly found that the clock run slow and I would be late.


  • More than 500 firefighters were working around the clock to contain the blaze, but it continued to grow.


  • I watched as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the door in the old clock and used the key to wind it up.


  • Countdowns are an integral part of the theatre, even though the clock seems to spend as much time stopped as it does ticking towards zero.


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