英语单词 红联
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v.: 打破;弄缺;被损坏;切下
n.: (木头、玻璃等的)缺口;(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑
adj.: (雀,栗鼠等)唧唧叫的
网络: 芯片;晶片;碎片


  • (木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处:

    the place from which a small piece of wood, glass, etc. has broken from an object

  • (木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑,碎片,碎渣:

    a small piece of wood, glass, etc. that has broken or been broken off an object

  • 油炸土豆条;炸薯条:

    a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat

  • 油炸土豆片;炸薯片:

    a thin round slice of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

  • (作赌注用的)筹码:

    a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambling

  • (高尔夫球)近穴击球,切削击球;(足球)撮球:

    an act of hitting or kicking a ball high in the air so that it lands within a short distance

  • (相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人:

    a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behave

  • (因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气:

    to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairly

  • 注定要失败(或完蛋):

    to be in a situation in which you are certain to be defeated or killed

  • 在危急关头;在关键时刻:

    used to refer to a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide what is important to you

  • 打破;弄缺;被损坏:

    to damage sth by breaking a small piece off it; to become damaged in this way

  • 切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片):

    to cut or break small pieces off sth with a tool

  • 撮高(球);近穴击(球):

    to hit or kick the ball so that it goes high in the air and then lands within a short distance

  • 将(土豆)切条油炸:

    to cut potatoes into long thin pieces and fry them in deep oil

  • (为辨认而在狗或其他动物的皮下)植入微芯片:

    to put a microchip under the skin of a dog or other animal so that it can be identified if it is lost or stolen


  • 钻空子

  • (鸡雏等)啄碎(蛋壳)

  • 〔口语〕戏弄;挖苦

  • (用绊腿)摔倒(对方)

  • 形成缺口

  • 碎裂,瓦解,破碎

  • 出现缺口

  • 切,削,凿,刻

  • 成碎屑,破碎;破损,打破

  • 把…削成薄片;弄缺(刀口,瓷器等)

  • (作燃料的)干牛[马]粪

  • (陶器等的)缺损(处)

  • (摔跤时)用绊腿把对方摔倒的一种技巧

  • 〔口语〕小粒金刚石[水晶]

  • 赌注,筹码

  • (赌博用)筹码;〔英俚〕钱

  • 〔口语〕炸马铃薯片

  • 集成电路唱片[块]

  • 碎片,削片,薄片;碎屑;薄木片;无价值的东西

  • 片,芯片,切屑,管芯


  • 复数:chips

  • 现在分词:chipping

  • 过去分词:chipped


  • adj.+n.:

    single chip,wood chip,programmable chip,powerful chip,blue chip

  • v.+n.:

    buy chip,produce chip,use chip,chip design


v.break offfragmenthewflakewhittlen.piecebitcrumbimperfectionflaw


  • And if you are in the market for stocks with decent yields, take a look at some of the blue-chip names knocked down in the panic.


  • I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue .


  • I got a chance this week to see what computer chip maker Intel has up its sleeve in preparation for the next tech boom.


  • NO07, How much is a black chip worth?


  • Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups, which had already been dealing with industry overcapacity.


  • Betty fumbled again in her purse, this time pulling out a handful of old wrinkled pictures along with a tin of chocolate chip cookies.


  • First, type A cells are flowed across the chip in one direction and caught in traps that are large enough to hold only one cell.


  • Moments later, the chip"s contents appear on the screen, ready to be compared with those printed in the booklet.


  • It is an incredible example of modern alchemy, or a scientific miracle in recent times, to turn a piece of stone into a silicon chip.


  • Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs little Johnny or Janie is allergic to.


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