英语单词 红联
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v.: 抓住;捕捉;捕获;接住
n.: 接(球等);总捕获量;扣拴物;扣件
adj.: 有趣味的;设有圈套的
网络: 赶上;捉住


  • 接住;截住;拦住:

    to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands

  • 接(落下的液体):

    to hold a liquid when it falls

  • 抓住;握住:

    to take hold of sb/sth

  • 逮住;捕捉;捕获:

    to capture a person or an animal that tries or would try to escape

  • 当场发现(或发觉):

    to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong

  • 赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等):

    to be in time for a bus, train, plane, etc. and get on it

  • 及时做(或谈等):

    to be in time to do sth, talk to sb, etc.

  • 看见;听到;出席;参加:

    to see or hear sth; to attend sth

  • 突然遭受:

    to happen unexpectedly and put sb in a difficult situation

  • 得病;染疾:

    to get an illness

  • (被)钩住,夹住,绊住:

    to become stuck in or on sth; to make sth become stuck

  • 击中;打:

    to hit sb/sth

  • 察觉;瞥见:

    to notice sth only for a moment

  • 听清楚;领会:

    to hear or understand sth

  • 引起,激发(兴趣、想象、注意等):

    if sthcatches your interest, etc., you notice it and feel interested in it

  • 逼真再现;准确描绘:

    to show or describe sth accurately

  • (光)照射;受到(光的)照射:

    if sthcatches the light or the lightcatches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too

  • 晒黑;晒红;晒成棕色:

    if youcatch the sun , you become red or brown because of spending time in the sun

  • 烧着;着(火):

    to begin to burn

  • (在球落地前)接住球:

    to make a player unable to continue batting by catching the ball they have hit before it touches the ground

  • (由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气:

    to stop breathing for a moment because of fear, shock, etc.

  • (跑或激烈运动后)喘口气:

    to breathe normally again after running or doing some tiring exercise

  • 患重感冒:

    to catch a very bad cold

  • 引起某人注意;惹人注目:

    to attract sb"s attention

  • 受罚;受斥责:

    to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth

  • 使人措手不及;乘其不备:

    to get an advantage over sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

  • 使某人措手不及:

    to surprise sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

  • 当场抓住;现场捕获:

    to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime

  • 使突陷窘境;乘人措手不及;出其不意;冷不防:

    to arrive or do sth when sb is not expecting it and not ready, especially when they are in an embarrassing situation

  • 接(球等):

    an act of catching sth, for example a ball

  • 总捕获量:

    the total amount of things that are caught

  • 扣拴物;扣件:

    a device used for fastening sth

  • 隐藏的困难;暗藏的不利因素:

    a hidden difficulty or disadvantage

  • (儿童)传接球游戏:

    a child"s game in which two people throw a ball to each other

  • 理想的对象;意中人;雇用的好对象;看中的人:

    a person that other people see as a good person to marry, employ, etc.

  • 进退维谷的局面:

    a difficult situation from which there is no escape because you need to do one thing before doing a second, but you need to do the second thing before you can do the first


  • 引人注意的,有趣味的

  • 设有圈套的

  • 【棒球】做接球员

  • 着火,发火

  • 使进退两难,使害怕;(暴风雨等)袭击

  • (门)被闩住,锁住;挂住,绊住,(手指)夹住,(脚)陷进;〔英方〕(水)结冰;(声音等)闷住,塞住

  • 传染;时兴,流行

  • 看到,看穿,看出,发觉

  • 听到,听清;领悟,了解,理会(意味)

  • 赶(得上)(火车等);追着

  • 捕捉;逮着,捕获,拦截;用网捕(鸟等);迷惑住

  • (想)捉住,(想)抓住; (想)领悟

  • 【音乐】滑稽轮唱歌曲;(歌曲的)片断

  • 【机械工程】凸轮;制动器,掣子,轮档;抓爪;捕捉器;【化学】(接)受器

  • 捕捉,把握;【棒球】接球,接球员;捕获数,渔获量

  • (声息等的)梗塞,噎

  • (庄稼的)茁壮

  • 利益;〔口语〕希望得到的东西[人],动心的事物

  • (门的)拉手,把手,门扣,门钩

  • 噎,哽咽,哽噻,哽住,发硬

  • 陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难

  • 捕;接;收获,获量


  • 第三人称单数:catches

  • 现在分词:catching

  • 过去式:caught


  • v.+n.:

    catch bus,catch train,catch fish,catch plane,catch fire






  • But if God really is multi-purpose, and he then has satisfied my desire in a little while, then, I bring first he to catch the wind.


  • Struggling to catch up with him, but the whereabouts of the red block and can only stay at cars off, do nothing.


  • Once I was in a hurry trying to catch the train to Shanghai. I packed up and put all the things I would need into a suitcase and locked it.


  • She did not get up too late to catch the early bus.


  • For himself, his own catch had been made, and he would have to wrestle with it for the rest of his life.


  • ``Society has changed, "" Stillman says, ``but the ovaries will take another million years or two to catch up to that. ""


  • However, I would catch Marguerite looking sad, and sometimes there were tears in her eyes.


  • He seems to be one of those rare people who find that age and injuries don"t catch up with them.


  • They are not agile or fast ships. If the enemy decides to make a run for it, ship-of-the-line would have hard time to catch up.


  • At the river-side I also did a bit of prose writing, not on any definite subject or plan, but in the spirit that boys catch butterflies.


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