beta version
beta version什么意思,beta version翻译
n.: (计算机软件等新产品上市前的) β 版
网络: 测试版本;版本支援热点分享;贝他版本
(计算机软件等新产品上市前的) β 版,测试版:
the version of a new product, especially computer software, that is almost ready for the public to buy or use, but is given to a few customers to test first
The beta version of this programs allows you to boot by selecting the OS with your arrow keys.
The beta version of this programs allows you to boot by selecting the OS with your arrowkeys.
Then in October, Sun provided a new beta version of the JAXB reference implementation, finally replacing the long outdated EA version.
Before new policies are announced, the microblog products of various websites will only be permitted to be operated under a "Beta" version.
We were taking the proof of concept a step further, to a usable beta version of the product.
Phantom of the Opera: the beta version of the Phantom of the Opera also detection. Improved device will soon become a standard element.
A beta version of the file will be available in the Spring and a full commercial rollout is expected by the summer.
Lastly, in my opinion, the true tipping point for Ajax came when Google released the beta version of its Ajax-based Google Maps application.
Last week"s Casual Fridays study was inspired by my (incorrect) observation that the latest beta version of Firefox always displays tabs.
The performance information shown in the preceding table was collected using a beta version of Domino 7, and is subject to change.